主题: 有什么是如此令人难以置信?

What is so incredible, it is deemed real day 490?

Victoria Ng

For many people they think money is something to be gained in significant amounts and they thrive and work hard to bring in the mass fortunes, doing everything possible to become wealthy.

There is a time to stop with the greed, if there is enough for yourself and to share with others.

Some people could not part with money, even if it is a small amount. Then there are those like Ronaldo, one of many heroes who donated to causes to help the poor.

These people understand wealth gained is to ease other’s pain. My heart ached for this baby and her family. Clearly you can see the distress the mother is in.

The money could save her baby’s life. This profound gesture of compassion makes me so happy to know that there are still good people out there who cares without monetary value.

This is so incredible, and deemed real. Thank you Ronaldo for being a good sport and a hero!
