主题: 在希特勒之后,谁是历史上最坏的独裁者?

After Hitler, which dictator was the worst in history?

Susanna Viljanen, Works at Aalto University

Hitler wasn’t the worst. My vote goes to Pol Pot. He was the dictator of Cambodia 1976–1978.

His claims to infame:

·Killed more people in proportion to the size of the nation than any other dictator

·Killed most people in shortest timeframe

·Destroyed the economy of Cambodia

Destroyed the intelligentsia of Cambodia

·Effectively rendered Cambodia back to the Bronze Age

·Destroyed the infrastructure of Cambodia

·Caused a man-made famine in Cambodia

·Obliterated literacy in Cambodia

·Deurbanized and deindustrialized the country completely

·Sowed the land full of land mines, making 30% of the fields of Cambodia uncultivable

·Founded the largest extermination camps ever and coined the concept “killing fields”.

Finally his ambitions went too far when he attacked Vietnam. The Khmer Rouge military, already starving and badly armed for anything else than terrorizing unarmed people with eyeglasses, collapsed in front of the Vietnamese military (who had just kicked the arses of both USA and China).

Never before has a foreign conqueror been welcomed so heartly than in Cambodia, and never before has a war turned so quickly into a humanitarian rescue operation as in Cambodia.


claim to fame 出名的原因
infame adj. 声名狼藉的
proportion n. 比例
timeframe n. 时间范围
intelligentsia n. 知识阶层
render vt. 致使
infra- pref. 在下的
obliterate v. 彻底毁掉
literacy n. 读写能力
deurbanize v. 去城市化
deindustrialize vt. 去工业化
sow vt. 散布
mine n. 地雷
extermination n. 灭绝
coin v. 创造
starve vi. 挨饿
heartily adv. 衷心地
turn into v. 变成
humanitatian adj. 人道主义的




回复: 在希特勒之后,谁是历史上最坏的独裁者?

Frank Lazar

That didn’t stop the U.S. from backing this dictator specifically to stick it to Vietnam.

Des Sullivan

Indeed. A disgraceful action, and a stain on the UN for recognising the Khmer Rouge as the legitimate govt in exile.

Frank Lazar

We really didn’t care what “yellow peril” did to each other. The UN recognition of Pot’s government was backed by the United States which was looking to censure Vietnam for it’s actions there.

Thomas Berthil Lund Jorgensen

Or China to do the same. All to get back at Vietnam (and USSR).

Benzion Inditsky

Notwithstanding that he killed 300.000 Chinese minority.

Guy Takamatsu

A Chinese Cambodian told me of the Khmer Rouge killing lighter skinned Chinese Cambodians. I guess I was naive and asked something along the lines of “Didn’t the communists say ‘all men are brothers?’” I guess theory is one thing practice is another.

Simon Long

Some men are more brothers than others.

Thomas H Pritchett

Part of the problem with China was that Pol Pot was a Maoist whose revolution was a based upon the Cultural Revolution that had been led my Moa’s wife. Pol Pot was just more successful in his cultural revolution in Cambodia than Moa’s wife had been in China.


specifically adv. 专门地
stick v. 刺入
disgraceful adj. 可耻的
stain n. 污点
legitimate adj. 合法的
govt =government
exile n. 流亡
peril n. 危险
be backer by 被……支持
censure vt. 责难
look to v. 指望
get back at 报复
notwithstanding prep. 尽管
alone the lines of 类似这样
