主题: 为什么许多美国人和西欧人相信,当普京去世后,俄罗斯会变成一个“西方民主国家”?这个主张有任何正确性吗?

Why do many Americans and Western Europeans believe that, with Putin gone, Russia will become a “western democracy”? Is there any validity to such claim?

答主:Boris Sanochkin, Former (Ret.) Lt. Colonel

“Western democracies” is a closed club. Nobody else can become one, but it is a secret they don't tell you. According to the official version, everybody is welcome as long as he is following a certain guideline, which under scrutiny exposes itself as a set of rules designed to keep the aspiring candidate away for good.

The main requirement for real successful free republic is a middle class, which has something it doesn't want to lose and demands accountability from its government.

“Western democracies” don't like it at home anymore and particularly scared of seeing it abroad for too many reasons.

So, their take of aspiring “democracy” are “reforms” or a controlled process of dismantling of national institutions in the developing countries. The idea is to erode the economic conditions inside to such a degree that there is no middle class and no republic as a result, except banana republic.

The process is directed through a set of NGOs aka organs of “civil society”. They are largely staffed by foreigners and traitors on foreign payroll with the idea to gaslight the national authorities every time they do something right and to force them to do wrong. Media is mostly used for mind control to set the population against its representatives, but when it fails the NGOs are running pogroms to force compliance. During pogroms, they are directing underclasses against the middle class for the reasons outlined above.

One might ask why such NGOs are allowed at all? That is because they are untouchable, and the tolerance of their mischief is the main requirement for the developing country to stay on list of “aspiring democracy”. There are anecdotical examples when activists committed blatant heinous crimes on video, including murders, but any attempts to prosecute them resulted in diplomatic scandals and intervention of Western Embassies.

Stand your ground and you are declared a dictatorship on the next day, and the entirety of the Western media complex is going to be directed at making up stories of how bad your country is.

One positive thing from the standpoint of developing countries is that “Western democracies” are now falling into a trap of their own making.

The above tools proved so effective in controlling the foreign politics, that the usual suspects can't help themselves but try to adapt the same methods against their political opponents at home, and they definitely don't want middle class to hold them accountable for any of the above antics.

It sure helps them stay in power, but then their own countries are getting gradually converted into the third world hell holes they work so hard to keep down abroad, and mostly due to the same reasons. The erosion of national institutions = the erosion of law and order = the erosion of the opportunities = the erosion of middle class = the erosion of government accountability.

What not to like from a perspective of the political class? On one hand, you have increased unchecked power, but on the other hand you can't effectively use it due to erosion of state instulitutions. Then you'd need organized crime and NGOs for enforcement, but they'd want you to share power for their services. The erosion of the middle class also means growing poverty, shrinking demand and related slowdown in the economy, you have to cover by under-reported inflation. It means less funds to exercise power, which is especially true when it comes to foreign entanglements.


vaildity n. 合法性;正确性
guildeline n. 指导方针
scrutiny n. 仔细检查
aspiring adj. 有志成为……的
candidate n. 候选人
for good 永远地
demand v. 坚决要求,需要
accountability n. 责任心
take n. 看法,意见
dismantle v. 废除
institution n. 机构
erode v. 削弱
degree n. 程度
organ n. 宣传工具
staff v. 在……工作
traitor n. 叛徒
payroll n. 工资名单
gaslight vt. 心理操纵使人自我怀疑
authority n. 当局
representative n. 代表
pogrom n. 大屠杀
compliance n. 遵从
underclases n. 社会底层
outline v. 概述
tolarance n. 容忍
mischief n. 恶意伤害
anecdotical adj. 轶事的
activist n. 积极分子
commit v. 犯(罪)
blatant adj. 明目张胆的
heinous adj. 极恶毒的
prosecute v. 起诉
scandal n. 丑闻
intervention n. 甘雨
embassy n. 大使馆
stand your ground 坚持立场
complex n. 相关联的一组诉
scandal n. 丑闻
intervention n. 甘雨
embassy n. 大使馆
stand your ground 坚持立场
complex n. 相关联的一组事物
standpoiont n. 立场
suspect v. 怀疑
adapt v. 改造,适应
definitely adv. 当然地
accountable adj. 负有责任的
antic n. 小丑


