主题: 为什么列宁认为马克思主义不适用于俄罗斯?

Why did Lenin believe Marxism did not apply to Russia?

答主:Shayn M., PhD in Politics, Monash University (Graduated 2020)

He DID believe it applied to Russia, otherwise why would he have led a Marxist party in a revolutionary overthrow of the provisional government?

He recognised that Russia was not yet ready, according to standard Marxist criteria, for a normal proletarians revolution and therefore modified and innovated new theoretical approaches to apply a Marxist strategy for the eventual communist transformation of Russia (history bears witness to how well that worked out).

It was the other Marxist party of the time, the Mensheviks, who insisted that Russia was too undeveloped for a socialist revolution and that the workers and left wing parties should instead work with the bourgeoisie to create a kind of social democratic revolution before a true transition to socialism would be possible.

Lenin rejected this view and insisted that the implications of Marx’ theory of history could be circumvented if a disciplined communist party accelerated Russia through a brief period of managed “state capitalism” directly into communism.

Lenin absolutely believed Marx’theory applied to Russia, he was just convinced that a well-disciplined party could get around it.


overthrow v. 推翻
provisonal adj. 临时的
criteria n. 尺度
modify v. 修改
innovate v. 创新
approach n. 方法
bear witness to 证明
work out 解决
bourgeoisie n. 资产阶级
implication n. 含意
circumvent v. 回避
brief adj. 短暂的
convince v. 使信服
get arround 有办法应付


