主题: 如果猫咪的主人去世了,猫咪会知道吗?

If the owner of a cat died, will the cat know, or will the cat think her owner left her and escaped? In both situations, how will the cat feel?

Linda Colosimo

My mother had a favorite cat, Pretty Boy, beautiful ginger and white fellow. He slept with her, the only cat allowed in her room.

When I went in to get her up, to start her meds on time, I found her passed away. PB on the bed, paw tapping her, little chirps trying to wake her.

When I called the funeral director to come, the cat moved to the bottom of the hospital bed and never moved the entire time.

That poor baby sat on the bed FIVE days, mourning. Wouldn't eat, drink or even sleep.

He'd be swaying, but forcing his eyes open, looking at the doorway. I finally just picked him up and shut the door behind us.

Cried for about an hour, then ate some tuna. Him and his brother stuck together for a few days, then he was back to normal.

I put a picture of him in her casket, by the sheaf of wheat. Everyone who knew Mom, knew Pretty Boy.

ginger n. 姜, 生姜
chirp n. 唧唧声;喳喳声;啁啾声 vi. 吱喳而鸣;尖声地说;咂嘴打招呼 vt. 吱喳而鸣;尖声地说;咂嘴向…打招呼
paw vt. 抓,扒;亲昵地抚摸vi. 用爪子抓;翻找 n. 爪子;手
funeral n.葬礼,出殡
mourning n. 悲痛 丧服 n. 灵柩车
sway v.摇摆,摇动
tuna n. [动]金枪鱼,鲔鱼
stuck v. 刺(stick的过去式)
adj. 不能动的;被卡住的
casket n. 小箱;骨灰盒;棺材 vt. 把……装进小箱;入殓
sheaf n. 捆, 束, 扎
wheat n. 小麦