主题: 如果乌克兰获胜,美国有什么好处?

What is the benefit of America if Ukraine wins?

答主:Dima Vorobiev, Former Propaganda Executive at Soviet Union (1980–1991)

“What is the benefit of America if Ukraine wins?”

1. China’s biggest strategic ally will be greatly weakened. Also, many in Moscow will quietly wonder, if Xi hasn’t given us a hand, maybe we’ve chosen the wrong ally?

2. American weapon exports get a huge boost at the expense of Russian and Chinese ones.

3. The infamy of the US defeat in Afghanistan will be much forgotten. No wonder the Reps are too afraid Biden would bankroll this big time ahead of the ’24 elections. Another war won without a single shot! Sun Tzu would be mightily impressed.

Below, a cartoon from our seasoned propagandist Vitaly Podvitsky from a few years back. A NATO man shows some nuclear device to someone vaguely resembling President Putin: “Afraid? —No!”. The two are standing atop a mobile Russian missile. It’s immensely bigger than the puny NATO contraption.
下面是我们经验丰富的宣传工作者Vitaly Podvitsky几年之前画的卡通画。一个北约的人正在向另一个长得有点像普京总统的人展示一些核武器:“害怕吗?——不!”。这两个人正站在一个可移动的俄罗斯导弹上。它比北约微不足道的奇技淫巧要巨大得多。

The tale of Russian superiority over the haughty but impotent West is the foundation stone of our propaganda. It also dovetails with the story of the Chinese economy beating the conflict-ridden, crises-prone Western market liberalism any day.

If we lose in Ukraine (we’re fighting NATO there, remember? That’s why it’s such a grind) this foundation gets a bit wobbly. Former “president” Medvedev promised to punish ICC with a precision missile. How can we be sure our missile is precise or can fly at all?

at the expense of 以……为代价
infamy n. 声名狼藉
bankroll v. 提供资金
big time adv. 很大程度地
mightily adv. 非常
impress v. 使钦佩,给……留下深刻印象
seasoned adj. 经验老到的
vaguely adv. 略微
resembler v. 看起来像
device n. 装置;爆炸装置
atop prep. 在……上
immsensely adv. 极大地
puny adj. 弱小的,微不足道的
contraption n. 奇怪的装置
superiority n. 优越性
haughty adj. 高傲自大的
dovetail v. 与……吻合
conflict-redden 矛盾重重的
crisis-prone 危机频发的
any day 任何时候
grind n. 苦差事
wobbly adj. 摇晃的,不稳的
ICC =International Criminal Court 国际刑事法庭




回复: 如果乌克兰获胜,美国有什么好处?

Jake Holman

The Chinese economy cannot exist without the West. They aren’t making pencils, but somewhat sophisticated products. And you need wealthy countries to trade with.

This was true 2,000 years ago and it’s true today: You get rich by selling to the rich. The poor have nothing to offer.

Russia faces slow, if not stunted growth and living standards, for decades. I saw this in the 70s. History is soon to repeat itself.

Dima Vorobiev

The export orientation of the Chinese economy is certainly holding them back from stepping into our mess.

Vinay Murlidhar

Trade and industry are the paths to national greatness and strength. Not the hollow tales of conquest and glory. It is to the credit of the Chinese that the ruling circles in China are not in thrall to these false chimera.

It is a lesson that Russia needs to understand.


somewhat adv. 稍微,有点
sophisticated adj. 先进的,精密的
if not 如果不是……
stunted adj. 发育不良的
orientation n. 目标,方向
mess n. 困境
hollow adj. 空的,虚伪的
credit n. 赞扬,认可
thrall n. 受……控制
chimera n. 奇美拉;妄想
