主题: 为什么普京没有意识到他最大的威胁是中国的扩张主义而不是北约的共同防御?

How come Putin doesn't recognise his biggest threat is Chinese expansionism and not NATO's mutual defence?

答主:Eric Wicklund, ormer Operations Specialist at United States Navy (USN) (1984–1992)

Because China is a very patient hunter. China plays the long game. Putin doesn’t even know he’s being hunted.

China isn’t going to make a move on Russia right now, they’re “friends without limits,” right? No, China is like the ancient human hunters. They just chased their prey for hours, if not days. They waited until the prey was overheated in the hot sun, and completely exhausted, unable to fight back.

That’s what China is doing, carefully gauging the strength of Russia and waiting for the right moment to strike. Note: this may not even involve military action. China is quite expert at Soft Power. They may gain the rights to everything they want in Russia without ever firing a shot. This may take 10 years or it may take 20. Who knows?
Yes, that’s it. Keep focusing on NATO. I’ll just stand over here…waiting…
对,就是这样。保持注意力在北约身上。我会就这样 站在这……等待……

Putin will not react to China because he is so completely obsessed with NATO. Ever notice how a dog will obsess over a squirrel in a tree? It will bark incessantly at the squirrel which is completely unaffected, knowing the dog can’t get to it. The dog should know this too, but it still gets worked up into a frenzy, constantly barking, spinning in circles, infuriated that it can’t get to the squirrel.

That’s Putin, the dog, obsessing over something he can’t control, never seeing the real threat in the East.


how come 为什么
mutual adj. 共同的
make a move 采取行动
pery n. 猎物
gauge v. 测量,判断
expert adj. 熟练的
obsess v. 使着迷,念念不忘
squirrel n. 松鼠
incessantly adv. 不停地
worked up adj. 激动的
frenzy n. 疯狂
constantly adv. 不断地
infuriate v. 激怒


