主题: 为什么沙特阿拉伯希望加入金砖国家?

Why does Saudi Arabia want to join BRICS?

答主:Sheoran, studied international relations

After Russia-Ukraine war, many countries are now understanding where the world order is heading. They are now realising the hypocrisy of the west. Whenever any country does not work according to the west (mainly US), then later they will support rival party to create and build pressure to the country. This is like doing indirect blackmail.

The same is now happening with India. As soon as India is becoming neutral, the US is supporting Pakistan.

Saudi Arabia understands this. They are remaining neutral and somewhat supporting Russia in oil production issue. Now, Iran will be the full-fledged member of BRICS from 2023.

China, India, Russia all are showing neutral positions regarding Saudi-Iran issue. They don’t want to get caught up. It was US who was not neutral. Because of this, they were benefiting immediately and long-term trust issues will happen.

Anyway, many off topic things are written but they are important for understanding issue as a whole. Overall, US is not going anywhere. They can play a lot cards. US dollars will stay global currency and not going anywhere anytime soon.

head v. 朝某方向行进
hypocrisy n. 伪善
rival n. 竞争对手
indirect adj. 间接的
blackmail n. 威胁,勒索
somewhat adv. 有点
full-fledged adj. 羽毛丰满的,完全有资格的
catch up 把……缠住
off topic 离题
anyway 好吧(用于转换话题或回到前一个话题)
overall 总的来说
currency n. 通货


