主题: 人类可以给非人类生物以生命吗?

Kelly Hanson

I gave birth to an acardiac baby. Also called trap sequence these things are masses of flesh and bone. Often acephalic various body parts but not really human. Mine had part of a pelvis, some spine, two legs in weird spots with biforcated digits on each.

This happens in only 1% of all identical twin pregnancies and mine was even more rare as i had been pregnant with triplets and all three shared a placenta and one single umbilical cord between the three. Unfortunately we lost the triplet at 13 weeks and the healthy baby of the other two at 36 weeks due to heart failure or a cord accident.

I'm going to attach an image to this as an example of an acardiac twin. It is not my own but an xray of one i found. They've also been referred to acardiac monsters.

Photo: Reginald J. Gladstone

acardiac adj. 无心畸形的(来源于希腊语)
acephalic 无头无心寄生胎
pelvis n. 骨盆
spine n. 脊髓,脊柱;书脊;(动植物的)刺,刺毛;中心力量,中流砥柱;骨气,勇气;直线型薪酬级别制;(地质)火山栓,熔岩塔
biforcated 精打细算的
digit n. (零到九中的任一)数字;手指,脚趾
identical adj. 完全相同的;同一的;(双胞胎)同卵的;恒等的
placenta n. [胚] 胎盘;[植] 胎座
umbilical adj. 脐带的;母系的;中央的
triplet n. 三个一组;三连音符;三元组中的一个;三胞胎之一