主题: 为什么中国年轻人对民主如此不感兴趣?

Why do young Chinese have so little interest in democracy?

答主:Shun Bot, BS from Xinjiang Re-Education Camps (Graduated 1990)

There is a prevailing myth that democracy = wealth. This myth is supported by the fact that nearly all wealthy countries are at least nominally democratic. However, this theory doesn’t take into account the order of events. Did these countries become rich first, or democratic first?

Looking at the G7, the biggest rich countries in the world, all 7 were rich first and democratic later (if we assume “democratic” means electoral govt by universal male suffrage). In the case of Germany, Italy and Japan, it took multiple world wars for their democracies to stick. A poor country doesn’t start world wars.
Pictured is the first railway line in Japan, between Tokyo and Yokohama, built in 1875 while Japan was under oligarchic rule. The parallels with China’s HSR should be obvious.

On the other hand, there are over 100 countries in the world that are poor or middle income and became democratic without becoming rich. India, Brazil, Indonesia are the best examples. No one in China wants their country to resemble any of those countries.
Brazil became fully democratic by mid 20th century. Since then, it’s level of development relative to the US has not improved. It may have actually gone backward. China does not want to end up like Brazil.

Most Chinese still view China as a poor or middle income country. Very few would consider it a rich country. And objectively speaking, at around $11,000 USD GDP per capita (nominal), China is on the lower end of “middle income”. On a per capita basis, it’s on par with countries like Russia, Brazil, Malaysia and Mexico.

The priority is thus to become rich first. And once we cross that bridge, we can decide what we want to do in terms of political liberalization.


prevail v. 流行
nominally adv. 名义上地
take into account 考虑
order n. 顺序
assume v. 假设
electoral adj. 选举的
govt =government
suffrage n. 选举权
stick v. 被接受
Yokohama n. 横滨
oligarchic adj. 寡头政治的
parallel n. 共同点
HSR = Hight Speed Railway
resemble v. 与……相似
relative adj. 相比较而言的
objectively adv. 客观地
per capita adv. 人均
par adj. 标准的
priority n. 优先事项
thus adv. 因此
in terms of 在……方面


