主题: 中国公民,特别是青年人,在如此高强度信息审查下,对那些像64事件(即天安门屠杀)等事情的看法是什么样的?

What do Chinese citizens, particularly the young adults, think about events such as the June 4th Incident, aka, the Tiananmen Square massacre, when information around it has been so heavily censored?

答主:Xingyi Jiang

I am currently a student at Beijing’s Tsinghua University majoring in law. I first came to know this incident when my father, who was at that time a university students in Beijing, talked about it with his university classmates on a reunion event.

My father was not on the square on that particular night, but surely many of his classmates did. When they talked about this, I could only feel that they were recalling some unforgettable interesting things happened during college years. Time has passed and China has become very different from then. And most students who participated in that incident have become the backbone of Chinese society. It was very hard to get into university then. After the incident, most of the students involved were not held responsible for the riots and later became social elite.

When I asked them whether there were deaths among their schoolmates my father told me their was only one-a male student was shot when attempting to set a bus into flames. And still, this kill did not take place on the square on that particular night.

I could tell today, most Chinese people in his age, who know what happened that time are gratitude the CCP withstood the pressure given by the students and western powers and crackdown this movement. Actually, at that time many people in China were in sympathy with the students. Then, Chinese people’s basic wish was actually not to adopt western democracy but to start anti-corruption campaigns. However, because of the efforts made by CIA agents and the propaganda campaign made by western medias, the movement has been interpreted as a democratic protest. And later years witnessed the failure of western democracy and universal value in many places like the fallen Soviet Union and the Middle East. Democracy has really become a bad name in China.

My father told me that he really admired Deng, who at that time a reformer, daring to bear the evil name of masscarer and decisively crackdown on the movement and send the students back to school. Deng was absolutely a reformer and who had a true insight about Chinas’s history, today and future. He knew that abruptly ending the rule of CCP will bring much more trouble and instability into China. Without the CCP’s decisive action, Chinese people could not expect the economic boom in the 30 years after the incident.


massacre n. 屠杀
censor v. 删减,审查
particular adj. 专指的,特指的
backbone n. 脊梁骨
gratitude n. 感激之情
withstand v. 顶住
crackdown v. 镇压
sympathy n. 同情
anti-corruption n. 反腐败
effort n. 努力
interpret v. 解释
protest v. 抗议
witeness v. 目击
decisively adv. 果断地
abruptly adv. 突然地


