主题: 马克思列宁主义如何塑造了苏联?

How did Marxism-Leninism shape the USSR?

答主:Dima Vorobiev, Former Soviet propaganda executive

The USSR put into practice the ten-point to-do list from the Communist Manifesto (see below). True to the idea of Karl Marx, the Soviet Communists led by Lenin and Trotsky:

·organized themselves into a vanguard party that took the state power
·installed the dictatorship of the proletariat and poor peasants
·abolished the private ownership on the means of production

It resulted in collectivization of agriculture, crash industrialization, universal education and health care, and the creation of a world-class military-industrial complex.

As a fully implemented Statist Socialism, the Marxism-Leninism took the form of Stalinism. Stalinism inspired Communists in China, North Korea and several other countries, where it was successfully replicated. Despite deep inbuilt economic inefficiencies, even after the bankruptcy of the Soviet state and abolition of the Communist project in China, Vietnam and Europe, Communism still is holding ground in Cuba and North Korea.

History has unequivocally proved that Marxism-Leninism in its Stalinist form is the only variation of Marxism that is practically achievable.

The Communist Manifesto program:

1.Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2.A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3.Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
4.Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5.Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6.Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7.Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8.Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9.Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
10.Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor. Combination of education with industrial production

Source: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/w … ifesto.pdf


manifesto n. 宣言
true to 忠实于
abolish v. 废除
collectivization n. 集体化
crash adj. 速成的
implement v. 贯彻
statist adj. 计划经济的
take the form of 表现为……的形式
inspire v. 激励,引发
replicate v. 复制
despite prep. 尽管
inbuilt adj. 内置的
inefficiency n. 低效率
bankruptacy n. 破产
abolition n. 废止
unequivocally adv. 明确地
variation n. 变奏
achievable adj. 可完成的
program n. 规划
property n. 财产
property in land n. 土地所有权
progressive adj. 进步的;累进的
graduated adj. 分等级的
inheritance n. 继承,遗产
confiscation n. 没收
emigrant n. 移民
credit n. 存款
exclusive adj. 专有的
monopoly n. 垄断权
communication n. 通讯
instrument n. 工具,器械
waste-land n. 荒地
soil n. 土地
in accordance with 与……一致
liability n. 责任,义务
gradual adj.逐渐的
distinction n. 差别
distribution n. 分配
equable adj. 变动小的




回复: 马克思列宁主义如何塑造了苏联?

Randall Burns

Marx’s contemporary and rival Henry George observed in Progress and Poverty that if any form of state socialism with a centrally planned economy were tried that something like Stalanism was the likely result. Marx and George did not like each other very much, but Marx certainly had read that work on George’s part. George wanted to restrict the economic role of government to taxation of land, clear negative externalities, monopolies and concentration of wealth with monopoly impact(a lot of folks claim he only wanted concentration of land). George advocated state owned enterprises only as a last resort for things like central banks or municipal ownership of utilities.


contemporary n. 同代人
observe v. 说话,评论
on one's part 就……而言
taxation n. 税收
externality n. 【经济学】外部效应
monopoly n. 垄断
impact n. 巨大影响,强大作用
folks n. 人民
advocate v. 提倡
resort n. 应急手段
municipal adj. 市政的
utility n. 公共事业


回复: 马克思列宁主义如何塑造了苏联?

Jeff York

Unbelievable. I’ve somehow made it to age 59 without reading Marx’s ten points before, although I knew it in general. Point #10 is admirable, of course. The rest is straight out of a George Orwell novel. Said in all seriousness, I give thanks to Almighty God for Adam Smith and other Enlightenment thinkers, America’s Founding Fathers, and Western Civilization in general. How the Bernie Sanders and Hugo Chavez types of this world can believe the nonsense they spew is beyond me.

Oruzi Barkadie

Adam Smith, the so called enlightenment thinker, believed that an invisible hand of the market, a random, unintelligent agent, would make efficient distribution of resources. But looking at how there are greedy capitalist pigs like Bezos and Musk and at the same time prostitutes, starving and homeless people in the same country called the U.S implies the invisible hand is not efficient at organising society, only capital. And the fact that a command economy was what changed Russia from a broken agrarian, illiterate country into a superpower, or China, who had 30 years average life expectancy to be doubled in less than 30 years, implies socialism is the best solution for organising society in a democratic, equitable and sustainable way.


make it to 到达
somehow adv. 不知为什么
straight out of 来自,取自
said in all seriousness 严肃地说
Almighty God 万能的上帝
nonsense 荒谬的想法
spew v. 呕吐
beyond me 超出我的理解能力
the so called 所谓的
random adj. 胡乱的
unintelligent adj. 愚蠢的
agent n. 原动力
distribution v. 分配
prostitute n. 妓女
imply v. 表明
organise v. 有机化
agrarian adj. 土地的
illiterate adj. 文盲的
equitable adj. 公正的
sustainable adj. 可持续的
