主题: 中国大学生特种兵式旅游,外媒怎么看?

# 01
Social media were inundated with photos and videos of people crammed into public transport and huge throngs of people at tourist hotspots. The hashtag “how everywhere is crowded” was a top trending topic on the Twitter-like Weibo platform on Tuesday morning. Crowd levels are “gradually becoming ridiculous,” wrote one user, while another in Guangdong province suggested touring a war cemetery instead to avoid the masses.

inundate 为动词,本来是「淹没」的意思,常用来喻指「使...应接不暇,使...不胜负荷」(to give or send sb so many things that they cannot deal with them all)。
近义词还有be overwhelmed with sth, be deluged with sth, be bombarded with sth, be swamped with sth 等等。
Social media are / is inundated with sth. 便表示「社交媒体上充斥着...」。这个句式大家直接背过。
注意social media 既可看作不可数名词,也可看作复数名词,因此后面的谓语动词用单数或复数均可。
Social media is / are flooded with sth.
Social media is / are awash with sth.
Social media is / are rife with sth.
有个小细节大家需要注意一下,rife 为形容词,本义是指坏事「盛行,普遍」,因此be rife with sth中的sth一般是坏事。
比如:Social media is rife with misinformation. 社交媒体上充斥着假消息。

cram sb into +地点 指「把...挤进...,把...塞进...」。
比如:He crammed three people into his car. 他往他的车里硬塞进八个人。
文中crammed into public transport 为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰people,我们可以将其改写为一个定语从句:
people who are crammed into public transport 指「被挤进公共交通的人」。
cram 还可表示在考试前把所有知识往脑子里塞,即「死记硬背,临时抱佛脚,填鸭式学习」,惯用搭配为cram for sth,比如:He's been cramming for his exams all week. 他整个星期都一直在拚命准备应考。
《经济学人》就曾把培训机构,称为cramming schools。

a throng of sb / throngs of sb 指「大批的,大量的」,相当于a large crowd of sb。
近义词还有 a flock of, a swarm of, a stream of 等等。
throng 也可作动词,throng+地点 表示「蜂拥,挤满,涌向」某地

tourist hotspots 指「热门旅游景点」。
给大家小节一下外刊里出现过的表示「旅游景点」的词:tourist attractions, tourist destinations, tourist/ tourism sites, tourist spots, tourist hotspots,在旅游相关话题里可进行同义替换。

The hashtag "..." was a top trending topic on the Twitter-like Weibo platform. 表示「...话题上了微博热搜」,这个句式几乎所有热搜话题都可以套用,大家直接背过。
trend 作动词,指「成为潮流,成为热门」。「上热搜」便可以说 sth is trending. 这里a top trending topic 便表示「热搜话题」。

the masses 指「民众」。


回复: 中国大学生特种兵式旅游,外媒怎么看?
