主题: 为什么中国人民不该为民主政治而斗争?他们真的为眼下的政府感到高兴吗?

Why shouldn't Chinese people fight for democracy? Are they really happy with their present government?

答主:Balaji Viswanathan, travels to China and deals with businesses and governments

Because most Chinese don’t care about democracy. Democracy is one of the many ways to govern and it has not been tried out in China before. That uncertainty should bother many. Societies should stick to the governance systems that their civilisation is more comfortable with. There is no one superior system.

Democracy traditionally worked in Indo-European cultures such as Athens and India, that are used to controlled chaos. Outside of the Indo-European cultures, there are not many examples of successful democratic implementations. The underlying social system has to support the politics and you cannot randomly implement a political system without paying attention to that.

The Confucian system places more emphasis on order. They are more structured and a “chaos by design” governance introduced by democracy can be more troubling. There is also more reverence to authority and China prefers that as it has more bad memories of chaos, civil wars and strife. It is better to have one strong leader (even if autocratic) than a 1000 warlords let loose. It might be a terrifying sight to them that Taiwan parliament often breaks into war of shoes and chair throwing.


stick to 坚持
governance n. 管理体系
system n. 制度,体制
implementation n. 实施,执行
underlying adj. 深层的,潜在的
emphasis n. 重视,强调
reverence n. 尊敬,崇敬
authority n. 威信,权力;当权者
strife n. 冲突,纠纷
autocratic adj. 独裁的,专制的
warlord n. 军阀
loose adj. 松散的
terrifying adj. 可怕的
parliament n. 议会




回复: 为什么中国人民不该为民主政治而斗争?他们真的为眼下的政府感到高兴吗?


回复: 为什么中国人民不该为民主政治而斗争?他们真的为眼下的政府感到高兴吗?

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