主题: 为什么几乎所有新加坡人都认为台湾不是独立国家,而大多数日本或韩国人都认为台湾是独立国家?

Why do many, if not the most, Singaporeans in Singapore believe Taiwan is not an independent country while most Japanese and South Koreans believe Taiwan is an independent country?

答主:Goku Wingardium, Lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Most Singaporeans actually do not believe Taiwan is not part of China. Most observe that de facto, Taiwan does not submit to the Mainland government not follow the china system. Therefore, in practice, any rational person knows that Taiwan is not under Mainland Chinese governance.

The few that believe Taiwan is NOT independent, are China immigrants and pro China people in Singapore. These are a minority.

In fact, curiously, Mainland China itself often mentions reunification. If they were serious about that Taiwan = Mainland China thing, why put Taiwan under international departures and arrivals? I think Chinese nationalists should pressure China to include Taiwan under domestic flights. Aren't they brothers? Or should we China lovers refuse to fly to an airport that still lists Taiwan as international with respect to China? Bunch of traitor airports.


de facto adj. & adv. 事实上,实际上 / n. 事实婚姻中的伴侣
submit  vt. 提交 / vt. & vi. 顺从,屈服
immigrant n. 移民
cuiriosly adj. 好奇地;奇怪地
reunification n. 重新统一
domestic adj. 本国的,国内的
with respect to 就……而言
bunch n. 捆,束,群
traitor n. 叛徒,卖国贼


