主题: 共产主义者和资本主义者是殊途同归的吗?还是说他们从根本上就不同?

Do communists and capitalists want the same things through different avenues? Or are they fundamentally different?

答主:Shayn M., PhD in Politics, Monash University (Graduated 2020)

They are fundamentally different. Communists want a society in which all work in order to contribute to society and then just take whatever they need from the goods and services available. Income and work are not necessarily linked and everyone has an equal share in the means of production.

Capitalists seek individual paths to wealth in which people compete over scarce resources. If those resources are not actually scarce, strategies must be found to make them scarce as capitalism requires competition to function. Private ownership of productive capital is also considered essential and maximising profit is the main function of most economic activity.

Capitalism and communism operate on the basis of fundamentally different paradigms. Obviously, it is clear that no tryuly communist society has ever yet existed and it is far from established that it ever could exist in reality. Actual communist regimes have certainly never come close, although they have managed certain forms of bureaucratic non-capitalist state socialism for certain periods of time.


fundamentally adv. 基本地
available adj. 可用的
necessarily adv. 必然地
share n. 份额
means of production 生产资料
individual adj. 个人的
scarce adj. 稀有的
function n. 运行
essential n. 必需品
function n. 职责
parardigm n. 范式
establish v. 使得到承认
regime n. 政体
bureaucratic adj. 官僚主义的




回复: 共产主义者和资本主义者是殊途同归的吗?还是说他们从根本上就不同?


回复: 共产主义者和资本主义者是殊途同归的吗?还是说他们从根本上就不同?

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