主题: 为什么中国不运用它的影响力约束北朝鲜政权的暴行,并提升人民的生活、居住标准和经济?中国能否在不伤害其立场的前提下做到这些,如果可以,中国又会

Why doesn’t China use its influence to rein the excesses of the regime in North Korea, and improve the lives, living standards and economy of the people? Could China do this without harming its position and would it if it could?

答主:Carl Hamilton, M.S. in Geography & History, Roskilde University (Graduated 2021)

While it is true that China takes the position it will not influence other countries overtly in the way certain other people do, saying this is the only reason or that North Korea relies on Chinese aid is also pretty far from reality. North Korea having characteristically antagonistic diplomacy, is as a matter of fact not the natural friend of China that everyone seems to think it is.

While the South Koreans use China as a scary bogey man to pursue nationalist policies every once in a while, as well as increase their military or gain aid from the USA, the reality is that the relationship between China and South Korea is quite good. South Korea and China also enjoy strong economic ties, with South Korea being a lead technology developer, and China being a lead technology producers, their interdependence in many areas is quite high.

North Korea on the other hand offers China really nothing. If China was to build up North Korea, what would China actually gain? Potentially some good friends, a couple of million more manpower. But does China need more manpower? Does North Korea offer any specialties in trade China does not already have? Do they have any particular natural resources? Not really. So to do what you suggest would be a drain on China, for no real benefit.

If China wanted to lift 20–30 million people out of poverty out of the goodness of their heart, they could easily do it in China as well, which of course would be their priority. If they wanted to do it to make strategic allies, then Africa or Indochina would be far more logical bets.

North Korea is irrelevant for Chinese security, they serve only China’s interests as a balance block and buffer against American presence, and a negotiating chip in that direction.

If at some point there is value in building up North Korea, you can be sure that China not only will do that, but they will do that rapidly. And naturally North Korea would like nothing more. But as it is, North Korea is not a great friend of China, they are not strategically important, and they frankly has very little to offer.

So I wouldn’t say it is just about not wanting to influence other countries.


rein n. 用缰绳勒马,约束
excess n. 暴行
regime n. 政权
overtly adv. 公开地
characteristically adv. 典型地
antagonistic adj. 敌意的
as a matter of fact 事实上
scary adj. 恐怖的
bogeyman n. 鬼怪
every once in a while 偶尔
interdependence n. 互相依赖
be to 打算做……
build up vt. 使逐渐变大
potentially adv. 可能地
specialty =speciality n. 特产
drain v. 流出,耗尽
priority n. 优先事项
bet n. 赌注
irrelevant adj. 无关紧要的
serve the inerest of 服务于……
balance block 平衡块
buffer n. 缓冲器
presence n. 在场,存在
negotiating n. 谈判
chip n. 筹码
at some point 在某一时刻
would like nothing more 别无所求
frankly adv. 老实说


