主题: 历史上有什么鲜为人知的大恶人?

Who is the most badass person in history that no one knows about?

There are many historical figures who are not well-known but have accomplished remarkable things. It's difficult to say who the most "badass" person in history is, as it's a subjective term, but one person who could fit that description is Lozen.


Lozen was a warrior and spiritual leader of the Chiricahua Apache, who lived in the late 19th century. She was known for her exceptional horseback riding, sharpshooting, and strategic thinking.

She fought alongside her brother, Victorio, and the famous Apache leader Geronimo, and was considered to be one of the most skilled warriors of her tribe. She also had a reputation as a powerful medicine woman, and many believed that she had supernatural powers.
她和她的哥哥维多利亚,还有 阿帕切族著名领袖杰罗尼莫打仗,并且被认为是她的部落里最有能力的战士。她还有一项关于医疗方面的名誉,很多人认为,她有超能力。

Lozen actively fought against the U.S. Army and Mexican army for the preservation of Apache way of life, freedom and their land, and was known for her ferocity in battle and her ability to evade capture.

She was also known for her ability to scout and gather intelligence for her people, which was vital in the Apache resistance.

Unfortunately, her story is not well-known, but she is remembered and honored by the Apache people and some historians as a powerful and respected warrior, leader and medicine woman.

badass n. 寻衅闹事的人,不合作的人,找麻烦的人 惯犯
劣性牲口 adj. 无法无天的,寻衅闹事的人 坏的;不值钱的 不好对付的;优秀的
warrior n.战_士,勇士,武士,战斗,尚武,鼓吹战争的人 adj.战斗的,尚武的
Chiricahua n. 奇里卡华人(居住在美国亚利桑那州及新墨西哥州等地的阿帕切印第安人)
Apache n. 阿帕切族(美洲印第安部族)
scout n.侦察,搜索,侦察员,侦察机 vi.守候,侦察,巡视,嘲笑 vt.侦察,跟踪,觅得,监视,轻蔑地拒绝(建议,意见等)
intelligence n. 智力,智慧;理解力 情报,消息 情报人员