主题: 为什么中国人喜欢维护他们的独裁政府?

Why are Chinese people so fond of defending their authoritarian government?

答主:Katie Pedro, APAC Regional HR Dirctor at Marvell Semiconductors (2018–present)

A2A. I was prepared to pass the question because I don't sense the anonymous requester want a sincere answer. It is rather a statement. And I also being lazy about collecting all sort of offensive statement disguised as questions by bigots to show as examples on why people became defensive. But I decided to answer it briefly.

Because it is defendable. Many (not all) accusations are untrue, misinformed and ignorant. So Chinese people who think they know better about how they feel about their lives defend it.

Defending doesn’t mean being defensive. If your question is about why many Chinese are defensive, the answer lays what cause people became defensive. People became defensive because they feel being personally attacked. If questioners believe Chinese government is a tyranny and should be condemned, they should show sympathy to its people, isn't it logical? But what I saw in many questions are utter distaste and hatred toward the entire nation's people. It is hard not to put Chinese readers immediately in defensive position.

Lastly, China is under constant vilification by some western media. In many people’s mind China and Chinese people are the default bad guy and basic assumption. It is assumed evil until proved to be not. So I found many Chinese assumes any criticism is an attack and react such, even though some criticism is justifiable. They nonetheless attack back.

You see, why Chinese like to defend its government. It is not about the nature of the government. But about if people feel they are under attack or not. It is human nature and normal reaction.


be fond of 喜欢
authoritarian adj. 独裁主义的
sense v. 感觉到
offensive adj. 冒犯的
all sort of 各种各样的
disguise v. 假扮
bigot n. 偏执者
briefly adv. 简短地
defendable adj. 可防御的
accusation n. 指责
misinform v. 提供错误信息
ignorant adj. 无知的
defensive adj. 戒备的
tyranny n. 暴君统治的国家
condemn v. 谴责
sympathy n. 同情
utter adj. 完全的
distaste n. 厌恶
constant adj. 持续不断的
vilification n. 诽谤
assumption n. 假设
justifiable adj. 情有可原的
nonetheless adv. 尽管如此
nature n. 基本性质,种类,本性


