主题: 我给儿子换了1G的新电脑,为什么他不能玩游戏?

Roch Baczkowski https://www.quora.com/profile/Roch-Baczkowski-1

I replaced my son's PC with an extremely good PC with 1 go of RAM, an Intel Pentium G3240 and a Quadro 600. Why can't he play his games on it?
我给我儿子换了1G的更好的电脑,有着Intel Pentium G3240的处理器和Quadro 600显卡。为什么他还是不能玩游戏。

I wrote a huge draft for this question but quora decided to delete it when I took a break, so I'll quickly describe why this is actually a terrible setup:

1 gigabyte of RAM probably is the bare minimum to run basic applications like Google. A "good" amount of RAM for gaming is 32 gigabytes, or 16 for low demand games.

An Intel Pentium for gaming is like digging a trench to survive a nuclear bomb. Pentium could have been great for older games, or Java-based games, since they run on only one CPU core. The bare minimum would be a Ryzen 5.
用英特尔奔腾处理器玩游戏,就像挖战壕以躲避核弹一样艰难。(什么神奇比喻,还好阿胖有bing)。奔腾对于老游戏还是可以的,或者对于Java游戏,因为它们只需要用到一个处理器核心,最低配置应该是Ryzen 5。

The Quadro 600 is a graphics card from more than a decade ago (firstly), and was meant for professional 3D art projects (secondly), and wasn't built for games as 3D programs have a different way to render objects compared to games (lastly).
首先,Quadro 600是一款十年前的绘图向显卡,第二,它更偏向于专业的3D美术制图,第三,它并不适用于打游戏,因为于游戏相比,3D制图程序以一种截然不同的方式运行。

All in all, the computer build would be great for extremely old games and office work, and perhaps some 3D modelling. But other than that, it is nowhere near being a “gaming PC”.