主题: 每一年都有数以千计的中国学生在海外学习。中国政府是否甚至担心或在意过他们中的绝大多数将会了解有关天安门广场的事情?

Each year, thousands of Chinese students study abroad. Does the Chinese government even worry or care that the vast majority of them will learn about Tiananmen Square?

答主:Fred Chuatiuco, Former Healthcare CFO

And you think that “Tiananmen Square” can be hidden from the Chinese students in China?

The one thing that the CPC is not worried about is the thousands of Chinese students having the first-hand opportunity to not just learn about “Tiananmen Square” but also to contrast all that China is all about against what “Western democracy and freedom” is about by living it.

And all these thousands are voting with their feet - returning to China becoming more nationalistic and pro-CPC than ever before. The proof is in the pudding.

Just so you know, its not thousands but millions of Chinese citizens leave China every year as tourists. Have you heard of anybody running to foreign embassies seeking asylum? Western narratives have China committing genocide of the Uighurs by the millions and human right violation of Tibetans but where are even a handful of minority refugees desperately escaping China for the West?

Westerners need to use some common sense to filter NGO and BBC propaganda from reality. You are the ones in the dark about China in so many things that count.


vast adj. 巨大的
opportunity n. 机会
nationalistic adj. 民族主义的
proof n. 证据
embassy n. 大使馆
asylum n. 政治庇护
narrative n. 叙事
violation n. 违反,侵犯
handful n. 一把,少量
desperately  adv. 绝望地
filter v. 筛选,过滤
count v. 重要


