主题: 女人被当做奴隶遭受了怎样可怕的对待?

How horribly were women treated as slaves?

Jacque Kochak

Short answer: VERY HORRIBLY. With DNA testing, I learned I have a number of distant cousins who identify as African-American. That started an odyssey of discovery for me, and I was troubled to learn the extent that women were sexually abused under the system of slavery in the antebellum U.S. Even worse, I believe, was the torture of watching one’s children sold off, never seeing them again.

Harriet Ann Jacobs, who escaped from slavery and wrote about her experiences, describes the risk of sexual abuse this way: “When she is fourteen or fifteen, her owner, or his sons, or the overseer, or perhaps all of them, begin to bribe her with presents. If these fail to accomplish their purpose, she is whipped or starved into submission to their will...resistance is hopeless.”

White women, of course, saw what was happening between their husbands and the enslaved women ostensibly under their care. The more literate expressed their anger in writing. One of them was Mary Boykin Chestnut, a wealthy South Carolina woman whose husband was first a U.S. senator and then a Confederate officer.

antebellum adj. (美国南北)战争前的
extent n. 程度;范围,长度
overseer n. 监督;工头
whipped adj. 受到鞭打的;筋疲力尽的;(奶油、蛋及其他食物)搅打起泡沫的 v. 鞭打;挥动(whip 的过去式和过去分词)
submission n. 屈服,投降;提交,呈递;提交的文件,呈递材料;<法律>(向法官提出的)看法,意见;<正式> 意见,建议;<古> 谦恭,温顺;(摔跤)制服
enslaved v. 奴役;使成为奴隶(enslave 的过去式和过去分词)
ostensibly adv. 表面上;外表

回复: 女人被当做奴隶遭受了怎样可怕的对待?

“But what do you say to this — to a magnate who runs a hideous black harem with its consequences, under the same roof with his lovely white wife and his beautiful and accomplished daughters?” she asked in her diary. “He holds his head high and poses as the model of all human virtues to these poor women whom God and the laws have given him.”

Because Virginia’s passage of the doctrine of partus sequitur ventrem had established that children were born into the status of their mother, many mixed race children were among the enslaved. The doctrine was a departure from English common law, which required fathers to take responsibility for illegitimate children.

“Southern women often marry a man knowing that he is the father of many little slaves. They do not trouble themselves about it,” Harriet Jacobs wrote. “They regard such children as property, as marketable as the pigs on the plantation; and it is seldom that they do not make them aware of this by passing them into the slave-trader's hands as soon as possible, and thus getting them out of their sight.”
“南方女人经常嫁给已知他有许多奴隶孩子的男人。他们不认为这是困扰,Harriet Jacobs写到,他们把这些孩子当作财富,就像农场里可贩卖的猪,并且他们很少让孩子意思到这一点,就这样卖给奴隶贩子,并与他们再也不想见。”

HORRIBLY adv. 可怕地;非常地
odyssey n. 漫长而惊险的旅程;成长过程,探索过程;《奥德赛》(Odyssey)
magnate n. 巨头;大资本家;要人;富豪;……大王
hideous adj. (外表)极丑的,面目狰狞的;非常可怕的,令人难以忍受的
harem n. 为一个雄性动物所控制的许多雌性动物;闺房里的妻妾群;闺房(伊斯兰教教徒的)
virtues n. 优点,贞操;美德
doctrine n. 教义,主义,信条;(政府政策的)正式声明
partus n. 分娩;生产
sequitur n. 推断,结论(自前提演变的)
ventrem "ventrem" 是拉丁语,意思是 "腹部"。在英语中,这个单词已经不再使用了。¹
enslaved 奴役
established adj. 确立已久的,早已投入使用的;资深的,知名的;(植物)已生根的,长势良好的;<英>已被认可的,已被接受的(尤指英国国教)
illegitimate adj. 私生的;非法的;不合理的
vt. 认做私生子;认为违法
n. 非嫡出子;庶子
marketable adj. 市场的;可销售的;有销路的

回复: 女人被当做奴隶遭受了怎样可怕的对待?

Jacobs noted that there were “some honorable exceptions,” but less scrupulous men could increase their net worth by selling their own children or putting them to work. Ned and Constance Sublette, authors of The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry, coined the term “capitalized womb” in trying to describe this dynamic. For the sake of brevity, just think of slaves as money and their offspring as interest.

Generations of concubinage sometimes resulted in children who looked white and who were, in modern terms, white. But the “one drop rule” meant any African ancestry made a person “black,” no matter the skin color. The mother of Solomon Northrup, the subject of the recent film Twelve Years a Slave, was a quadroon, meaning that only one of her grandparents was of African lineage. So was Thomas Jefferson’s alleged mistress, Sally Hemings. These “white slaves” were highly desirable and often sold as “fancy girls” in New Orleans.

So yeah, it was all pretty horrible

honorable adj. 光荣的;可敬的;高贵的(honourable的美式写法)
exception  n. 例外,除外
scrupulous adj. 细致的,一丝不苟的;正直的,有道德原则的
net adj. 净得的;净重的;最后的,最终的
v. 净赚,净得;设法获得,巧妙地做;(用网)捕捉;(篮球或足球)得分,进(球);用网覆盖;(计算时)扣除……(以得出净额)
adv. 净赚地
coined v. 创造(新词等);铸造(硬币)(coin 的过去式和过去分词)
womb n. [解剖] 子宫;发源地
vt. 容纳
capitalized adj. 资本化的;大写的(capitalised 的美式拼写)
v. 将(某物)转化为资本、资本化,为……提供资金;用大写字母写或印刷;估计......的价值(capitalize 的过去式和过去分词)
dynamic adj. 充满活力的,精力充沛的;动态的,发展变化的;力的,动力的
n. 动力,活力;相互作用,动态;动力学
sake n. 利益,好处;目的;为了便于讨论(for the sake of argument);(强调重要或表示恼火)看在上帝分上,天哪(for God's/goodness'/Christ's/heaven's/Pete's etc. sake);日本米酒,日本清酒
【名】 (Sake)(罗)萨克,(日)酒(姓)(人名)
brevity n. 简洁,简短;短暂,短促
interest n. 兴趣,关注;吸引力,趣味;爱好;利息;利益,好处;权益,股权;利害关系,重要影响;利益集团,利益相关者
v. 使感兴趣,引起……的关注;劝说(某人)做(或参与)
concubinage n. 纳妾;非法同居;妾制
quadroonn. 四分之一的混血儿
lineage 血统;世系
mistressn. 情妇;<英>女教师;(奴仆的)女主人;(宠物的)女主人;绝对控制……的女人,主宰……的女人;(精通某项活动的)女能手,女行家;女士(用作女子姓氏或姓名前的称呼);<英>女院长 (Mistress)
alleged adj. (未经证实而)声称的,所谓的;(在证据不足的情况下)被指控的
v. (未经证实地)宣称,指控(allege 的过去式和过去分词形式)
desirable adj. 令人向往的,值得拥有的;可取的;性感的
n. 称心合意的人(或物),好的品质
fancy girls 妓女 情妇