主题: 到21世纪末,哪种经济体系会笑到最后?资本主义是否更可能取得重大胜利,还是说社会主义或共产主义?

Which economic system will eventually prevail until the end of the 21st century? Is it more likely that capitalism will triumph, socialism or communism?

答主:Mats Andersson, Translator (1991–present)

If everything goes well, all current economic systems will be obsolete and gone the way of the feudal system; this question will be as relevant as asking about the future relation between kings and lords.

We should, by 2099, be in what is known as a post-scarcity economy. That's what happens when the economy isn't based on certain items being scarce. It's anybody's guess exactly what it'll look like, and the road from here to there is likely to be bumpy in places.

The best economic minds on the planet are trying to figure out how it's going to work; it's never been tried before. But it's a fair guess that it will in some ways look a little bit socialist, and that few elements of classical capitalism will survive.


prevail  v. 流行,获胜
triumph n. 重大胜利
obsolete v. 淘汰
relevant adj. 有意义的
scarcity n. 缺乏
bumpy adj. 颠簸的
in places 到处
minds n. 思想




回复: 到21世纪末,哪种经济体系会笑到最后?资本主义是否更可能取得重大胜利,还是说社会主义或共产主义?

Matthew L

We are currently in a false scarcity economy.

The world has the present capacity to provide for the basic needs of all people.

All that prevents this are the systems we have inherited from prior scarcity economies and their current defenders. These are the oligarchs, kleptocrats, extractive industries, and other regressive types.

The big question is whether we can make the transition to post scarcity before we burn the place down.

Aaron Blain

Check out 19thc US utopian author Edward Bellamy. Even in the 1800s technology was becoming so productive that many people took for granted that work would soon become largely unnecessary. Then during the Cold War Buckminster Fuller said that capitalism and communism would become irrelevant because society could produce more than enough to satisfy everyone’s needs (which is, ironically, precisely how Engels describes communism, in The Principles of Communism).

We could have been post-scarcity for a while now, but scarcity is a basis for power.

Robert Stevens

‘capacity’ and ‘basic’ are significant words in this. Capacity doesn’t mean that we can currently provide for the basic needs where they are needed, and you also need to define ‘basic’. What aspects of life would this require people to give up? Would that leave an infrastructure adequate to maintain the basic needs?


false adj. 人造的,伪造的
scarcity n. 缺乏
capacity n. 能力
prior adj. 先前的
oligarch n. 寡头政治家
kleptocrat n. 盗贼官僚
extractive adj. 精炼的
industry n. 产业,工业
regressive adj. 倒退的
burn down 烧毁
check out 核实,检查
granted adv. 的确
take for granted 认为……理所当然
irrelevant adj. 无关紧要的
ironically adv. 讽刺地
precisely adv. 恰好
define v. 给……下定义
aspect n. 方面
adequate adj. 足够的


回复: 到21世纪末,哪种经济体系会笑到最后?资本主义是否更可能取得重大胜利,还是说社会主义或共产主义?

Christian Wray

Matthew is saying that we can produce enough to sustain everyone - mostly in reference to food, but also clothing, shelter, etc.

Historically, this has not always been the case. Organisms have been competing for resources to sustain their energy since the inception of life and humans were no different. Our society is shaped around this fundamental biology focused on the accumulation of resources.

It is only through relatively recent technological + societal advances (mostly technological) that the current global food production far surpasses the current global food need. This is largely why the global poverty rate is down from ~90% in 1850 to ~9% today.

You make a good point about having the capacity to “provide for basic needs where they are needed,” and obviously that isn’t happening as people are still going hungry. But that lack of infrastructure is due to how our society has come to be structured - if it was the sole focus of every government, every business, everybody everywhere, no one would go hungry. I wouldn’t wait around for this to happen though.

You also mention trade-offs of wealth. I am sure you have seen commercials about how you can feed a starving child for $1/day - it’s really not much. I know that’s not a superbly accurate figure to cite, but something tells me that in this idealized scenario most people would be able to keep their televisions and BMWs.

Again, this is providing basic food and shelter, not providing everyone with a BMW…but in theory, if that was our sole focus, that could probably happen too. The productive capabilities of the modern world are astounding.


sustain v. 维持
shelter n. 住处
organism n. 生物,有机物
inception n. 创始,开端
biology n. 生理习性
accumulation n. 积累
relatively adv. 相当地
surpass v. 超过
societal adj. 社会的
make a good point 提出一个很好的观点
sole adj. 唯一的
wait arround 空等
trade-off 平衡,妥协
comercial n. 电视广告
superbly  adv. 雄伟地,极好地
cite v. 引证
astounding adj. 令人震惊的
