主题: 为什么中国人不告诉习近平他们不想要战争?西方媒体正在报道说习近平替换了不想与台湾开战的军事高层。

Why don't the Chinese people tell Xi Jinping they don’t want war? Western media is saying Jinping has replaced top military officials that don't want war with Taiwan.

答主:Denise Chuk, Ph.D in Literature & Drama. Lived in HK & Taiwan.

I do believe most Chinese do not want war, but they will not shy away from war if being attacked. Since the U.S. and the West have been trying extremely hard to provoke a war between China and whoever is dumb enough to be another Ukraine, China has to be prepared for the worse. I also wonder frequently why don’t the American people tell our various government officials we really don’t want war, given that we have been involved in one war or another almost non-stop, and usually we are also the instigator/perpetrator. We should tell the government we don’t want any war anymore and stop this nonsense.


shy away from 因为害怕或谨慎而避免
provoke v. 激起,引起
dumb adj. 哑的;愚蠢的
worse n. 更糟糕的事
frequently adj. 反复地
given that 鉴于
instigator n. 煽动者
perpetrator n. 行凶者
nonsense n. 荒谬的想法,愚蠢的行为


