主题: 超短发、不化妆,为何中国女性拒绝“服美役”? | 外媒说

Across the country, young women are shaving their heads, forgoing make-up and wearing loose-fitting clothing in a rejection of what they call “beauty duty”, the strict cultural norms that dictate how women should look.


forgo / forego 为动词,指「放弃,摈弃」
make-up 为不可数名词,指「化妆品」,也可以写作makeup。wear makeup 便指「化妆」。
loose-fitting 形容衣服「宽松的」。loose-fitting clothing便指「宽松的衣服」。我们也可以说baggy clothing。
反义词为tight clothing。英文里还有一个很形象的表达:
body-hugging dresses 抱住身体的裙子,也就是「紧身裙」
dictator 是「独裁者」的意思,大家都很熟悉了。
dictate [dɪkˈteɪt] 作动词,指不由分说地、强硬地「决定,支配」的意思,是个带有贬义的表达。
norms 为复数名词,指「规范,准则」相当于standards。

The burgeoning movement is unfolding on local social-media platforms such as Xiaohongshu and Weibo, where young feminists share before and after photos of themselves—swapping their long hair, contact lenses and make-up for buzzcuts, glasses and nude faces—using the hashtag #BeautyDuty.


burgeon [ˈbɜː.dʒən] 为动词,指「迅速发展」,相当于grow quickly, develop quickly。burgeon 也可指数量上的「激增」。
unfold fold 是「折叠」的意思,unfold 便指「展开,呈现,展示」。
swap A for B ;swap指「交换」的意思,swap A for B 即「用A交换来B」。
contact lenses 指「隐形眼镜」
buzzcut 指「寸头」
nude faces 指「素颜」。nude本来是「裸体」的意思,也可以指「没有化妆的」。
hashtag n.电话(或键盘上的)#键,井号;(社交媒体)主题标签

Louise Edwards, professor of Chinese history at the University of NSW, says that while beauty standards in China carry echoes of those in the West, gendered expectations are more ingrained.


echo 作名词,本来是「回声」的意思,喻指「相似之处,再现」
carry echos of sth 便指「与...相似」。
echo 还可指态度、观点的「附和,重复,共鸣」
echo 作动词,指「发出回声」,引申为「附和,呼应」别人的观点
ingrained 为形容词,指「根深蒂固的,难以改变的」
The belief that ... is deeply ingrained in our society.
The belief that a degree is an entry ticket to a decent job is deeply ingrained in our society. [写作推荐]

Failing to adhere to beauty standards can hinder a woman’s career progression in a setting where it’s common for job advertisements to request photos.


adhere to sth指「遵守,遵循」(to continue to behave according to a particular rule, agreement, or belief)。
比如:adhere to the rules 遵守规则 adhere to a principle 坚持原则 adhere to a promise 信守诺言。
名词形式为adherence,短语adherence to sth指「对...的坚持,对...的遵守,对...遵循」。
conform to sth 也表示「顺从,服从,遵从」规则、法律等。
hinder [ˈhɪndər]  为动词,指「阻碍,妨碍」。近义词还有hamper。
作文里常写的「阻碍经济发展」:hinder / hamper economic growth。 [写作推荐]
progression [prəˈgreʃən] 为名词,指「变化,发展」。hinder one's career progression 便指「阻碍...的职业发展」。
setting 为可数名词,指「背景,环境」。

By rejecting beauty duty, women are pushing back against the amount of time they’re expected to devote to their appearance just to participate in society.


Women // are pushing back against // the amount of time.女性正在抵制时间。
pushback 为名词,指「反对,抵制」push back against sth 是一个动词短语,指「抵制,反对,驳斥」,相当于oppose sth, resist sth。
devote 本来是「奉献」的意思,devote sth to sth表示「把...奉献给...,把...投入于...,把...用于」,一般指把时间、精力用于某事。

“Women are seen as having to carry the burden of decorating people’s lives, offices and homes and there’s a lot of labour that goes into that,” says Edwards.


labour 指「劳动」。
labour  还可作动词,labour to do sth 指「努力做某事」
go into sth 指「用在,用于」

① ”In an increasingly globalised world, Chinese women are swayed by international feminist movements and crusades in countries such as Japan and Korea. ②Also, many young women were born under China’s one-child policy. ③ “Many singleton daughters have really supportive parents. They tell them, ‘Girls are equal, girls are good.’ They want them to succeed.”


sway 作动词,本义指「摇摆,摆动」
sway sb 引申为「影响...,改变...的看法」的意思,相当于influence sb
crusade [kruːˈseɪd] 本来是指「十字军东征」,后来泛指长期的坚定不移的「斗争,运动」,相当于campaign。
singleton [ˈsɪŋ.gl tən]  既可以指「单身人士」,也可以指「独生子女」。