主题: 为什么看翻译版动漫让你眉头直皱?

Why is watching dubbed anime frowned upon?

Bridgett Neumann

Sub and dub debates are any way to start a fight in the anime fandom and it is because some people  sub watchers  are pretentious assholes.

I watch in both sub and dub, it really depends on the anime itself, the voice actors, and what I am doing.

If I am just watching anime to watch anime, I will usually watch in sub but a lot of the time I am doing something while watching and in that case, I will watch in dub.

There are also some dubs that I can’t stand. But there are also some dubs I think are better than subs. It’s all personal preference.

The bottom line is that sub is seen as the original and just works better with the anime style.
最重要的是,sub 被视为原始版本,并且与动漫风格配合得更好。

A lot of people frown on dub watchers because it isn’t the original or dub isn’t as good.

And because Voice Acting is a much more serious profession in Japan, many of the actors are better at portraying emotions and getting into character.

But we can all agree that people who watch dub with subtitles are insane.

anime n. 芳香树脂;日本动漫
fandom n. 运动迷,影迷
pretentious adj.自命不凡的
subtitle n.副题(书本中的),说明对白的字幕
insane adj.患精神病的,精神病患者的,极愚蠢的

回复: 为什么看翻译版动漫让你眉头直皱?

