1、suffer and end 应该是遭受折磨并结束的意思吧!

2、When you extend a finger to someone, they will grab your hand then your arm. 这句根本没有翻!

3、People are selfish and will find ways to exploit your kindness. 这句的意思应该是“人们都很自私并且会找到方法来利用你的好意”吧!



(1 篇回复,发表在 新梦轩)



Do younger Chinese, especially the well educated Chinese born after 1990, support the Chinese government more?

答主:Liam Shui, Lives in Beijing, China

I am born in the 90s, a small town in the southern China.


I was a firm anti-CCP teenager back in my junior high to high school time, social media in China were just taking off, most of the young ones used QQ and nothing more.

That was roughly 15–20 years ago, when a type of Chinese people we today call ‘the public intellectual’ were at their highest activeness. They were well educated and occupied in decently-paid jobs, and often exposed to overseas experience, studying abroad, visiting scholars, doing international business or working in MNCs. They were seen by the general public as people with international vision and are well established.

They loved putting themselves out there and acted like they speak for the benefits of Chinese people, they praise western countries, western political systems, western educations, western innovations and technology, western people, western civilization and basically everything western, in a seemingly neutral, rational, sane and objective tone and manner, following with a comparison with how China does, concluding in a point that the west does everything right while the CCP government does everything wrong.

For instance a very famous case was the piece on the city sewer system in Qingdao, a former German colony in Shandong province of China.

The piece talks about how the sewer system built by the Germans during the colonial time still works today after a century, and how Qingdao never once suffered from city being flooded during heavy rain thanks to the German-built sewer system, while China today doesn’t even have the urban planning capability that the Germans had 100 years ago, leaping forward to how superior the German manufacturing was and still is today, being proved by how Chinese people love German-made cars nowadays, and how China was way behind Germany and can’t never catch up, moving on to how superior the Germans are as a people compared to the Chinese.

Such a piece was largely based on selective facts, some of which were true and made the piece believable in a way that fits people’s common sense, you’ll just think ‘oh yeah Qingdao has never been flooded by pouring rain’, then you read the part about German cars and you go ‘oh right the German cars are indeed most reliable and of excellent quality’, and you read the part comparing German and Chinese people you just go ‘yeah we cannot do what the Germans do, we are so far behind’.

You see the interesting part?

The truth is, the Germans-built part counts for roughly 0.1% of today’s city sewer system, and the one that is running well under Qingdao’s ground was built by Chinese government. The reason that Qingdao doesn’t get flooded is because the city government has implemented a thorough plan based on scientific study to prevent flood in light of heavy rain or hurricane, as well as an emergency action plan, being a coastal city also helps in some cases.

The knowledge of foreign countries was taken advantage by those ‘public intellectuals’ to make themselves look good and admirable, it plays the similar role as luxury items to showcase your social status and gain social currency.

Back in that time, stuff like this was everywhere, from newspaper to magazines, from state media to local television, and of course the internet.

People post and repost such articles on social media, driving a wide spread belief that western world is heaven: the freedom and political superiority of America, the manufacturing of Germany, the taste and gentlemen spirit of UK, the fine art and romance of France and Italy, the craftsmanship of Japan … the list goes on and on.

Such contents usually embedded indications that CCP government lacks of tons quality to pull off what the west can do, and you get the impression that the CCP government isn’t leading the country to a better place.

You find yourself in a hopeless position when you look around and see only western cars, western airplanes, western computers, western applications, western movies, western music, western coca cola … Everything you seem to like or enjoy is from the western world.

And you aspire towards the collective west, and you wonder what if China becomes ‘westernized’:

are we better off if we employ the western system?

isn’t it better if everyone can vote?

will it be better if we can do whatever the law doesn’t forbid, like in the west?

You gradually turn against CCP government, you just can’t understand why you aren’t getting what the west has, why China isn’t going as good as the west, and what is with the great fire wall? is CCP trying to hide its incompetence?

It started as disagreement, leading to oppose, and eventually becomes hatred and anti-China/CCP-ism with a pro-west sentiment.

This is what happened with me.

When I started my university time, I had the chance to finally go abroad on international internships and backpack trips, and see for myself what it truly was out there.

My point of views started to change as I found every country has tons of problems, some are way worse than China.

I visited the *best countries* like USA, Germany, Singapore, and I visited *okay countries* like Thailand, Vietnam, India, Russia, and then I visited *bad as hell countries* like Iran and North Korea, and after graduation from college I moved to New Zealand.

I find that Beijing has filthy streets so does New York, Guangzhou has slums so does LA, I also find that Auckland has crystal clear sky so does Shenzhen, Singapore has amazing skylines so does Shanghai, big cities all suffer from traffic jams and have angry drivers and it has nothing to do with ‘being civilized’, the best urban traffic condition I found was in Pyongyang, no jams, no idiots running in red lights, no angry taxi drivers giving you the finger, just pretty traffic policewomen.

You see, when you go there and actually see it, you pick up the other side of the coin, and you realize how blinded and misjudging you were before.

I finally realized that, China was not doing bad, we were just in a shitty place to start with, and for a fact that the CCP government was doing good in pulling a country of 1.4 billion people from hell to earth.

As Chinese people continuously sharing the benefits of their motherland’s rapid growth, they become wealthier and can afford overseas trips to see the ‘western wonderland’ those public intellectuals once bragged about, and guess what? They are all like ‘oh so this is it? oh ok well…’ With 140 million outbound visits every year, the Chinese quickly gain a full picture of what the world actually looks like, the good and the bad, what others do better and lesser of China.

Putting the puzzles together, it only makes sense to have a fresh, rational and sane understanding of Chinese government and the CCP, they aren’t great for sure, but they have done some really amazing shit to get the Chinese to where they are today, and consider where they begin with and how fast they do it, it is nothing short of spectacular.

I still won’t consider myself a supporter of CCP, but I do appreciate how well they are running this country.

Perhaps some of the western fellows can also go to China and see for yourself, whether it is an evil regime as some of your media insists on, maybe you will also pick up the other side of coin like I did, who knows.



firm adj. 坚定的
take off 起飞
and nothing more 仅此而已
intellectual n. 知识分子
decently adv. 体面地
occupy vt. 占据
MNC = Multinational Corporation 跨国公司
well established adj. 得到认可的
put oneself out there 勇于表达自己的观点
innovation n. 创新
neutral adj. 中立的
sane adj. 明智的
objective adj. 客观的
tone n. 语气
manner n. 方式
conclude v. 推断出
piece n. (作品)篇
sewer n. 下水道
urban adj. 城
conmon sense n. 常识
flood v. 淹没
implement vt. 贯彻
thorough adj. 周密的
showcase vt. 展示……的优点
take advantage of 利用
currency n. 通货
drive vt. 推动
fine art n. 美术作品
embded vt. 把……牢牢嵌入
indication n. 标示
pull off 努力实现
aspire vi. 追求,渴望
collective adj. 集体的
what if 如果……将会怎么样
wonder v. 想知道
better off adj. 经济状况更好的
employ v. 使用
gradually adv. 逐渐地
incompetence n. 不称职
disagreement n. 分歧
sentiment n. 观点
hatred n. 憎恨
internship n. internship n. 实习期
filthy adj. 肮脏的
slum n. 贫民窟
uirban adj. 城市的
condition n. 条件
idiot n. 白痴
give ... the finger 对……竖中指
shitty adj. 糟糕的
for a fact 确实地
wonderland n. 仙境
brag vi. 吹牛
outboud adj. 向外国去的
make sense 有意义
nothing short of 可以说是
spectacular adj. 惊人的
appreciate v. 欣赏,感谢
regime n. 政权



pang 写道:
和月清岚 写道:






(2 篇回复,发表在 英语角)


Why are Hong Kong rioters trying to ban Ip Man 4?

答主:Vincent Ou, Company Secretary (2014–present)

Because they do not admit they are Chinese. They think they are some sort of hybrid British American Asians called Hongkongers.

The main reason is because the the star of the movie Donnie Yen & Danny Chan as well as its producer Raymond Wong are pro-China. The storyline pisses of a lot HK protestors as it put a Chinese man against American and made some Americans look bad. A lot of the protestors hero worship Americans and even consider Trump as some sort of democratic freedom idol.

There’s no doubt the main purpose of the storyline is to promote Chinese patriotism. It is no different from all the earlier Ip Man movies. It is also similar to a lot of Hollywood war movies where American patriotism are heavily promoted.

Even though Ip Man really exist, the story is purely a work of fiction. As a kung-fu movie, it is not too bad but to me it is the weakest among the 4 Ip Man movies. There’s basically nothing else to tell and it was more or less a recycled story from Ip Man 2. However, nobody watch Ip Man movies for its storyline. People watch it because of its kick-ass action scenes. This why their protest failed miserably as Ip Man 4 top the box office in some major Chinese movie market like China and Malaysia even though it did not do well in HK.


rioter n. 暴徒
admit vt. 承认
storyline n. 故事情节
protestor n.抗议者
piss off 惹恼
promote vt. 推广
kick-ass adj. 非常强大的
scene n. 景象
miserably adv. 悲惨地
box office n. 票房



pang 写道:




(0 篇回复,发表在 提瓦特军机处)


Why do most modern Jews ignore Torah?

答主:Shayn M., IB Teacher (IBDP) (2021–present)

“Most” is an overstatement. I’d say most of us do not ignore it but it’s probably true to say that most of us are not fully observant and some of us actively disregard the Torah.

Part of the reason many Jews do not give the Torah the final word in how we live is that many of us have come to see it as mythology and do not regard it as, authoritative.

It is hard to feel motivated to strictly observe laws you know are a historical hodgepodge rather than the unchanging word of God.


overstatement n. 夸大其词
observant adj. 严格遵守的
distrgard n. 无视
give ... the final word 给……最终决定权
mythology n. 神话
authoritative adj. 可靠的
motivated adj. 有动机的
hodgepodge n. 大杂烩




(2 篇回复,发表在 英语角)



(3 篇回复,发表在 英语角)

pang 写道:



Did Hitler ever use the N word for blacks?

答主:Shayn M., Language-Culture/IR Consultant (2021–present)

Yes, he used it often and, in fact, it was his standard go-to word for black people.

That said, in German the word “Neger” was, until fairly recently, the ordinary word for black people and was only derogatory to the extent that people already tended to look down on black people.

Hitler explicitly refers to black people in Mein Kampf as “Aeffelinge” (“apelings”) and considered them subhuman.

Nazi racism against black people is only not well known because there were few black people in Germany at the time but there is no question that the Nazis looked down on them.


go-to adj. 普遍的
That said 这就是说
fairly adv. 相当地
derogatory adj. 贬低的
extent n. 范围
to the extent that 到了……的程度
explicitly adv. 明确地
Mein Kampf 《我的奋斗》
subhuman adj. 类人的



Don't try~ to live so wise ♬


(3 篇回复,发表在 英语角)



pang 写道:



Do communists and capitalists want the same things through different avenues? Or are they fundamentally different?

答主:Shayn M., PhD in Politics, Monash University (Graduated 2020)

They are fundamentally different. Communists want a society in which all work in order to contribute to society and then just take whatever they need from the goods and services available. Income and work are not necessarily linked and everyone has an equal share in the means of production.

Capitalists seek individual paths to wealth in which people compete over scarce resources. If those resources are not actually scarce, strategies must be found to make them scarce as capitalism requires competition to function. Private ownership of productive capital is also considered essential and maximising profit is the main function of most economic activity.

Capitalism and communism operate on the basis of fundamentally different paradigms. Obviously, it is clear that no tryuly communist society has ever yet existed and it is far from established that it ever could exist in reality. Actual communist regimes have certainly never come close, although they have managed certain forms of bureaucratic non-capitalist state socialism for certain periods of time.


fundamentally adv. 基本地
available adj. 可用的
necessarily adv. 必然地
share n. 份额
means of production 生产资料
individual adj. 个人的
scarce adj. 稀有的
function n. 运行
essential n. 必需品
function n. 职责
parardigm n. 范式
establish v. 使得到承认
regime n. 政体
bureaucratic adj. 官僚主义的



Noah Peng

It is for the convenience of identification. In the international market, it can be recognized as RMB at a glance.

The old version has different pictures for each denomination banknote, including workers, farmers, ethnic minorities, famous scenic spots and so on.


I'm well aware. Unfortunately I am annoyed at reality enough to throw a hissy fit over currency pictures. smile

I'm hoping that with enough digitization, China can go back to people and places.

Ismail Bashmori

I agree and I think Mao would have wanted the same thing.

He didn't put his own face on the currency.

The new notes look bland, as well as ideological and insidious to lots of dumb foreigners. The old designs were more beautiful and relatable and told a lot more about the character of China.

And the Chairman does not have any shortage of honours in other media.


identification n. 辨认
glance v. 瞥一眼
denomination n. 面额
ethnic adj. 民族的
schenic adj. 风景优美的
annoy v. 烦扰
hissy fit n. 坏脾气
currency n. 货币
bland adj. 枯燥乏味的
ideological adj. 意识形态上的
insidious adj. 暗中为害的
dumb adj. 愚蠢的
relatable adj. 有关联的

Do you think it is good or bad that Mao Zedong's image appears on all banknotes in China?

答主:Brett, Chinese, made in America

Bad. Not because I think Mao Zedong is Satan incarnate or something (and no he is not an angel either), but because the previous designs were way more awesome. Yes, of course, Mao was on the 100.


But I mean, check these out:

The Chinese people. And I mean, in that kind of leftist mode where China put on display all sorts of Chinese ethnicities, and on the 50 the ethnic distinctions are gone for occupations (worker, farmer, intellectual). Women abound too, just for the feminists. Compared to what we have in the US, which is basically leaders and only leaders (until what, the Sacajawea one dollar coin?), I think I wildly prefer the common person.

The most recent Chinese set is really depressing to see, but fortunately I don’t have to see it much anymore — everything is digital anyways.


banknote n. 纸币
incarnate adj. 化身的
way more (非正式用语)更多
awesome adj. 令人惊叹的、
check sth. out 去……查看
leftist adj. 左翼的
ethnicity n. 种族划分
distinction n. 区别
abound v. 大量存在
feminist n.  女权主义者
wildlyu n. 狂野地
depress v. 使沮丧
anyways adv. 反正




(3 篇回复,发表在 英语角)


Foo Cheow Ming

My granddad was KMT. He told my dad this story, the only story passed down to me from my granddad. “When the peasants hear that a KMT army detachment is approaching the village, they will smear the faces of their wives with cow dung to make her unattractive so she won't be raped, hide his daughters inside old disused Wells, and Bury such little cash or valuables as they have under the pool of effluents (livestock shit stored as fertiliser). “ You figure out yourself why they did it. This is direct oral account from the mouth of a KMT member.



detachment n. 小分队
smear v. 涂抹
dung n. (动物的)粪便
disused adj. 废弃不用的
bury v. 埋藏
valuables n. 贵重物品
effluent n. 污水
livestock n. 家畜
fertiliser n. 肥料
figure out 想出
oral adj. 口述的
account n. 报道,描述

pang 写道:



pang 写道:



和月清岚 写道:

Alexey Tereshchenko

A brilliant answer.

This is something people today seem not to understand.

In 1917, Russian masses were enthusiastic about Communists. Same goes for East Europeans in 1945. Today’s people. much more opulent than their grandfathers, tend to follow the opinion of the landlords of that time and start believing that Communism was forced on their grandfathers.

Apparently, Chinese know better.


brilliant adj. 非常好的
mass adj. 大量的
the masses 群众
enthusiastic adj. 热情的
opulent adj. 奢侈的
apparently adv. 显然

Irina Gabriela

You are right about the Chinese. I know in depth the situation that country was drawning in. The social, political and financial situation was really bad by the time the communism came. Thus the communist party was seen as those who save them. Thinking from this perspective, Mao is - indeed - a saviour, in spite of the mistakes he did. And, thinking about the losses he had in his personal life, I think he was really motivated and determined to get his country and his people out of the mud.

However, it is not the case of my country, Romania. My country truly loved its king.

Communism came to us with tanks on the streets. That's what I know from my grandpas and great-grandparents who were never landlords, on the contrary. I was born during communism and I could never forget the cry of my great-grandmother who often used to caress an old coin (it had our last king's face on it) and pray in the only language she ever spoke, Csango: “Oh, Kiraly (k)om! Kiraly (k)om!” It means: Oh, my (little)king!
共产主义是随着街上的坦克来到我们这里的。这是从我的祖父和曾祖父母告诉我的,他们从来都不是地主,而是恰恰相反。出生于共产主义时期的我,永远忘不了我的曾祖母每每抚摸着一枚旧硬币(在它之上有我们末代国王的肖像)时发出的哭声,以及用她唯一会说的语言——昌戈语所作的祈祷:“Oh, Kiraly (k)om! Kiraly (k)om!”它的意思是:啊,我(幼小)的国王啊!

Mind you, all my great-grandparents were simple peasants. And despite their ethnicities (Hungarian, Csango, Polish and Romanian), they loved our Romanian king. And each of them despised communism.

The thing is.. the situation was different from country to country.


in depth n. 深入细致地
be drawn in 被拖入
thus 因此
perspective n. 角度
in spite of 尽管
motivated adj. 有积极性的
contrary n. 相反面
caress v. 爱抚
ethnicity n. 种族划分
despise v. 鄙视