

1、愿望之象限 9点
2、西北提取器 11点(不拿墙后)
3、往昔的桓那兰那 4点
4、西南提取器 8点(不拿房内)
5、觉王之殿南 4点
6、二净甸神像 7点(不拿锅不拿河边)
7、无郁稠林 3点
8、渌华池 3点
9、绝云间 3点
10、奥藏山东北盗宝团 5点
11、璃州老窖 7点
12、地中之盐 3点
13、无相冰 3点
14、星荧洞窟 4点
15、海祇岛藏宝洞 4点
16、海祇岛东 2点
17、浅濑神社 3点
18、越石村 8点
19、平海砦 8点
20、踏鞴砂 25点


1、稻妻大炮 6点
2、清籁丸 20点
3、自然哲学学院 9点
4、驻外办公室 3点
5、梅洛彼得堡 3点
6、科学院北 8点
7、绣舵北 4点
8、人格之象限 6点
9、灵魂之象限 8点
10、精石铜城 4点
11、神的棋盘 3点
12、赤王神殿西 10点
13、祝祭厅 7点
14、权杖厅 8点
15、秘仪圣殿 28点



(0 篇回复,发表在 新梦轩)


Why don't the Chinese people tell Xi Jinping they don’t want war? Western media is saying Jinping has replaced top military officials that don't want war with Taiwan.

答主:Denise Chuk, Ph.D in Literature & Drama. Lived in HK & Taiwan.

I do believe most Chinese do not want war, but they will not shy away from war if being attacked. Since the U.S. and the West have been trying extremely hard to provoke a war between China and whoever is dumb enough to be another Ukraine, China has to be prepared for the worse. I also wonder frequently why don’t the American people tell our various government officials we really don’t want war, given that we have been involved in one war or another almost non-stop, and usually we are also the instigator/perpetrator. We should tell the government we don’t want any war anymore and stop this nonsense.


shy away from 因为害怕或谨慎而避免
provoke v. 激起,引起
dumb adj. 哑的;愚蠢的
worse n. 更糟糕的事
frequently adj. 反复地
given that 鉴于
instigator n. 煽动者
perpetrator n. 行凶者
nonsense n. 荒谬的想法,愚蠢的行为




Were Russian people happy that 9/11 happened to the US?

答主:Ivan Novoselov, Russian, interested in world history and politics, lives in Russia

OK, honest answer.

I was heading home after university and learned about it in some cafe where I stopped to buy a coffee and doner. Everyone was watching it on TV, most were also shocked.

I was young, not very smart and angry at the U.S. about Yugoslavian war. I wasn’t “happy”, I felt shocked but I also had a feeling that this is the beginning of U.S. collapse and was very eager to watch the U.S. share the fate of USSR.

I really understood the tragedy only years later. And I still have many questions about it.

I don’t know much about impact of the Patriot Act, but I wonder whether 9/11 decided the course of American foreign policy for decades to come? War on Terror, Color Revolutions and even confrontation with Russia. Maybe it was just a local event?
Or maybe it was the turning point for the entire world and we failed to realize it?


head v. 朝某特定方向行进
doner n. 土耳其烤肉
Yugoslavian adj. 南斯拉夫的
tragedy n. 悲剧
course n. 道路,航线
confrontation n. 对抗



Why does most of the world outside the west not care about Ukraine anymore?

答主:Sylvain Saurel, Founder at Sylvain Saurel's Newsletter (2019–present)

Probably for the same reason that Westerners don't care much about the war in Yemen for example...
It’s far from us, so we don’t look too much, because it’s seen as a regional war. This is what the emerging countries of the Global South are saying.

We can understand them because basically, Westerners often send them the same message when there are wars in their area.

The reaction of Westerners is quite symptomatic of how they consider their world to be more important than the rest of the world.

A war breaks out in Ukraine and the rest of the world should show solidarity by excluding Putin?

Even though I think Putin is a tyrant who needs to be defeated in Ukraine to show dictators around the world that democracy and freedom are still there, I understand the reaction of these emerging countries.

Many of them are anyway well infiltrated by Russian propaganda via Wagner in particular. From then on, they will rather give the illusion of supporting Russia, when in reality, they have nothing to do with this war.

The reaction of emerging countries is like a mirror effect of the reaction of Westerners to the wars that usually take place at home and that do not interest Westerners. Everyone has their own struggles in a way.


emerging adj. 新兴的
symptomatic adj. 有症状的
symptomatic of 作为……的症状
solidarity n. 团结一致
infiltrate v. 渗透
anyway adv. 那么
struggle n. 奋斗,斗争
in a way 以某种方式



How did Japan take a lot of China’s land so easily?

答主:Aya Shawn, master in Computer Science, National University of Singapore
In our image, China(1931) should have looked like this at that time. A large country controlled by one government.
However, this picture is the actual China. At that time, China was not a unified country, but was divided into at least 9 different warlord forces. They attacked each other and were in chaos.

At this time, Japan had become completely fascist. They have mighty armies and wild ambitions.

When they entered China, these warlords all wanted to preserve their strength,
Not only are they not united, but they also very much hope that the Japanese army will attack their enemies.

It is conceivable what the consequences will be if a poor and backward agricultural country loses its unity when faced with a crazy attack by a fascist industrial country. This gave the Japanese a chance to defeat them one by one.

The Japanese quickly defeated the Northeast Warlords and North China Warlords in the north and occupied large tracts of land.

Only then did the Chinese wake up. In 1936, they formed a united front to fight against the Japanese. At this time, China had lost the entire northeastern region and part of the central region.


preserve v. 保持
conceivable adj. 可想像的
consequence n. 结果
occupy v. 占据
tract n. 大片土地
front n. 阵线



pang 写道:




Will Ukraine eventually settle for peace with Russia without regaining Crimea?

答主:Brent Cooper, Trial and appellate counsel for Cooper & Scully (1993–present)
Not according to Zelenskyy. Crimea has been part of Ukraine since 1954. Russia recognized it in 1954 and again in 1994 when they agreed to respect and defend the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

What has changed? Only one thing. The person leading Russia. Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev, and Yeltsin were all fine with Ukraine owning Crimea.

It I was fine until Russia’s current president, who is shorter on brains than height, decided all his predecessors were wrong and he would take Crimea.

Ukraine will not settle for peace without Crimea. Would Russia settle for peace without Kaliningrad? After all, the only got that territory around the same time Ukraine received Crimea. The answer is no.

And the answer is Ukraine will not settle for peace without Crimea.


settle for 满足于,勉强同意
territorial adj. 领土的
integrity n. 完整
be fine with 对……满意
predecessor n. 前任,前辈



Why does President Xi Jinping seem to have more power than other Chinese leaders before him?

答主:Paul Denlinger, Lived in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong; fluent in Putonghua

The US has helped Xi Jinping to consolidate his power a great deal because the West now openly says that China is its greatest threat in the world.

This means that China is under threat from the US, in terms of economic, foreign and military policy. For the seven-person Central Committee (which Xi is chairman of), it likely means that China should not change leaders until this crisis period ends because it cannot afford a training period for a new leader, as that would send the wrong signal domestically in China and to the rest of the world.

The best way to maintain continuity of the leadership and of foreign and domestic policy is for Xi to have emergency powers and to have his own “war team” in place until the crisis period is resolved.


consolidate v. 使巩固、
in terms of 从……角度看
domestically adv. 国内地,家庭地
in place 在适当的位置



If Russia loses the war, what will happen to them?

答主:Brent Cooper, Trial and appellate counsel for Cooper & Scully (1993–present)

Many things will happen:

·Putin will be gone

·Russia will be isolated from the world

·Russia’s economy will continue to contract

·Russia’s allies will desert her except maybe North Korea and Myanmar

·No one will buy military equipment from Russia

·The Russian people will continue to be exposed to poverty

·All her Europe’s neighbors will become NATO members

·China will try to take advantage by assuming Russia’s place of influence

·China will try to take back territory Russia took from her


will be gone 将会消失
isolate v. 孤立,隔离
contract v. 缩小
desert v. 舍弃
Myanmar n. 缅甸
assume v. 假设;夺取
territory n. 领土



Jimmy Wynn

Where I live, people wear pro-commie t shirts and you can have the hammer and sickle on a t shirt or a flag. You may get a funny stare, but that’s about it. Put a Nazi flag on a pole in your yard and the evening news will be there in an hour.

Joseph Zack

Nazism is inherently evil, while communism is only a surface level economic system.


Communism is no less evil. It’s just not as obvious, and generally people don’t learn about it as much as Naziism. Many more innocent people have died under communism.

Richard Pietrasz

It is somewhere in the range of reality to state Communism has killed 100 million people or more. It is also somewhere in the range of reality to state that capitalism has killed 2 to 3 times that number.


stare n. 凝视
funny adj. 奇怪的
that's about it 差不多就是这样
pole n. 杆子
inherently adv. 内在地,固有地
many more 另外的许多
range n. 范围
state v. 陈述

Why are Nazi flags banned and communism (hammer and sickle) is not?

答主:Shayn M., I was a communist for a lot longer than made any sense but I finally got over it

The problem with the question is that it is not necessarily true. İn the USA neither flag is banned. İn Poland both flags are banned (technically, although I’m not sure it’s enforced), in China the Communist flag is the symbol of the government and the Nazi flag is banned. İn Thai land, the Communist flag is banned but the Nazi flag is fine.

The laws on which symbols are permitted and which aren’t varies from country to country and usually depends on the history and local sensitivities. İn many countries neither set of symbols is banned but people will often look at both with disapproval.

İn Australia, neither communist nor Nazi symbols are illegal but walking down the street wabving either kind of flag will get you plenty of dirty looks.


sickle n. 镰刀
not necessarily 未必地
permit v. 许可
vary from 从……变化
sansitivity n. 敏感性
disapproval n. 不赞成



Why did Allah create non-believers, if he did so?

答主:Mohd Ilyas, Regional Sales Manager at United Biotech (Indian company)

I always asked this question to my father. He didn't know. I asked other Muslims, they too didn't know. I desperately wanted to know the answer. No one knows the answer. Then, my exploration revealed God has created man. Man has created and propogated religions.

God has neither created believers or non believers.

Allah is the Arabic word of God. But in Islam its God's name.

People divided, named and wrote stories about God/God's. God has nothing to do with these stupid religions.

Further more, we do not know how many Gods exists, one or more. This is left to our imagination.

No one has ever understood this concept clearly. It's just our perception.

Edit 1: ‘Many Thanks’ to all the viewers who have upvoted my answer and appreciated me so much. This is the first time ever I have recieved 100+ upvotes.


desperately adj. 绝望地;拼命地;非常
reveal v. 揭示,显示
propogate v. 散播
further more 此外
leave to 交给
perception n. 看法,认识,感觉



Does Karl Marx have any confirmed descendants? And if not, when did his line die out?

答主:Jean-Marie Valheur

Karl Marx had a number of children with his wife, as well as uncomfirmed out-of-wedlock descendants. Of his legitimate children, only one daughter had surviving children and grandchildren — these all carry the last name Longuet, however, as they took their father’s surname. Some of the daughters and granddaughters married men with different last names, so their descendants once again have different last names. At the last count, in June 2018, there were 45 living direct descendants of Karl Marx in total, spread across the world.



descendant n. 后裔
line n. 家族
die out 灭绝
out-of-wedlock 非婚生的
legitimate adj. 合法的




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3.合理的关掉这个程序 (直接结束进程 / 保存相关文档后关闭 Word 等程序)
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3 select disk X
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5 online disk //offline并拔出以后,下次在插入移动硬盘时,还会处于offline状态。因此需要online



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What are some of the biggest similarities between Marxism and Marxism-Leninism?

答主:Shayn M., I have a PhD in political theory.

Marxism-Leninism is based on Marx' theories as interpreted by Lenin. Lenin Revised aspects of historical materialism in order to justify his contention that socialist should not wait for the bourgeoisie to establish a mature capitalist economy before attempting a proletarian revolution and the establishment of a socialist state.

Because Marx authored a series of analyses of capitalism and a theory of history and possible transition to a future society called “communism” rather than any kind of political strategy outlining how to build communism.or what communism ought to be like, Lenin had to innovate in this area.

Marxism is a theory of society and history, not a coherent program for how to build communism. Lenin's answers to the question of how to build socialism in a society that, by Marx' logic was not actually ready for it, led to the emergence of Marxist-Leninism as a distinct theory of revolution and social transformation in “backward” societies.

Marxist-Leninism defies Marxist expectations that socialist societies can only emerge from.out of advanced capitalism. The failure of communism in backward countries could be read, if one so desired, as evidence that Marx was right and Lenin was incorrect in his revision, or, of course, it could also very probably mean that Marx' historical.materialism is itself an incorrect theory.


similarity n. 相似性
interpret v. 解释
revise v. 修正
aspect n. 方面
justify v. 为……辩解
contention n. 论点
mature adj. 成熟的
outline v. 勾勒……的外形
innovate v. 创新
coherent adj. 有条理的
emergence n. 出现
distinct adj. 清楚的
backward adj. 落后的
defy v. 违抗,挑战
desire v. 渴望
revision n. 修改



Jeff York

Unbelievable. I’ve somehow made it to age 59 without reading Marx’s ten points before, although I knew it in general. Point #10 is admirable, of course. The rest is straight out of a George Orwell novel. Said in all seriousness, I give thanks to Almighty God for Adam Smith and other Enlightenment thinkers, America’s Founding Fathers, and Western Civilization in general. How the Bernie Sanders and Hugo Chavez types of this world can believe the nonsense they spew is beyond me.

Oruzi Barkadie

Adam Smith, the so called enlightenment thinker, believed that an invisible hand of the market, a random, unintelligent agent, would make efficient distribution of resources. But looking at how there are greedy capitalist pigs like Bezos and Musk and at the same time prostitutes, starving and homeless people in the same country called the U.S implies the invisible hand is not efficient at organising society, only capital. And the fact that a command economy was what changed Russia from a broken agrarian, illiterate country into a superpower, or China, who had 30 years average life expectancy to be doubled in less than 30 years, implies socialism is the best solution for organising society in a democratic, equitable and sustainable way.


make it to 到达
somehow adv. 不知为什么
straight out of 来自,取自
said in all seriousness 严肃地说
Almighty God 万能的上帝
nonsense 荒谬的想法
spew v. 呕吐
beyond me 超出我的理解能力
the so called 所谓的
random adj. 胡乱的
unintelligent adj. 愚蠢的
agent n. 原动力
distribution v. 分配
prostitute n. 妓女
imply v. 表明
organise v. 有机化
agrarian adj. 土地的
illiterate adj. 文盲的
equitable adj. 公正的
sustainable adj. 可持续的


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Randall Burns

Marx’s contemporary and rival Henry George observed in Progress and Poverty that if any form of state socialism with a centrally planned economy were tried that something like Stalanism was the likely result. Marx and George did not like each other very much, but Marx certainly had read that work on George’s part. George wanted to restrict the economic role of government to taxation of land, clear negative externalities, monopolies and concentration of wealth with monopoly impact(a lot of folks claim he only wanted concentration of land). George advocated state owned enterprises only as a last resort for things like central banks or municipal ownership of utilities.


contemporary n. 同代人
observe v. 说话,评论
on one's part 就……而言
taxation n. 税收
externality n. 【经济学】外部效应
monopoly n. 垄断
impact n. 巨大影响,强大作用
folks n. 人民
advocate v. 提倡
resort n. 应急手段
municipal adj. 市政的
utility n. 公共事业