(1 篇回复,发表在 英语角)

What is the most famous two-faced man in history?

答主:Jean-Marie Valheur, lover of history

The story of Osama bin Laden has always been fascinating to me. The son of a billionaire businessman, he was born into obscene wealth. Like this guy had one of the most ridiculously privileged lives every in the history of the world. Could have had it all, the best cars, finest food, most beautiful women…
Instead, he picks up arms and joins freedom fighters in Afghanistan, risking life and limb for the freedom of a nation he has no ties to and is not from. Joining the ‘mujahedeen’ warriors, Bin Laden faces near-certain death in fighting Russian troops just so that another nation and its people may be free. For years, he’s kind of a heroic figure because of this, raiding Soviet convoys with his men, a rusty AK47 in his hands, half-starved, dodging bullets left and right underneath the blistering sun...
In the end, the mujahedeen succeed, and Afghanistan is freed when the Russian troops leave with their tail between their legs. Next, things go to shit, as we all know… the Taliban gains control of Kabul, takes over the country, and it plunges into a new dark era of nearly medieval circumstances. Things go South, and they go South quickly. But it’s easy to forget how popular the Afghan rebels and their international allies were, back in the day.
Take Stallone’s third Rambo movie, for instance — dedicated to the brave mujahedeen fighters of Afghanistan. It is easy to forget now, and surely America would love you to forget, that Osama and his fellow rebels-with-a-cause were once aided heavily by the United States military and the CIA. A massive miscalculation of truly historical proportions, if there ever was one.

Osama bin Laden went from spoiled rotten scion of a billionaire family to some sort of Arab Robin Hood figure, and from heroic freedom fighter to bloodthirsty terrorist plunging the world and his region into chaos and destruction… quite a spectacular turn of events.


fascinating adj. 迷人的
obsence adj. 骇人听闻的
privileged adj. 享有特权的
limb n. 四肢
mujahideen n. 圣战者
raid v. 突袭
convoy n. 车队
rusty adj. 生锈的
dodge v. 闪躲
underneath prep. 在……下面
blistering adj. 猛烈的
take over 接管
plunge v. 猛推
south adv. 恶化
back in the day 在当时
Stallone 史泰龙
proportions n. 规模,程度
spoiled adj. 宠坏的
rotten adj. 腐败的
scion n. (贵族的)子弟
bloodthirsty adj. 嗜血的
spectacular adj. 令人惊叹的






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(3 篇回复,发表在 英语角)



(10 篇回复,发表在 新梦轩)


If Chinese communism is so good and beneficial, why does the government find it necessary to manipulate and restrict free speech and media?

答主:Nathan James, Geopolitical pundit and blogger

Every nation on earth manipulates the media, and every nation on earth restricts free speech when necessary. No exception.

You don’t think America manipulates the media? You don’t think America restricts free speech? Don’t be so fucking naive.

America has recently been censoring journalists for telling the truth about Russia and Ukraine. America has been using the media to spread propaganda since, well, forever.

Your question exposes your colossal ignorance and naivete.

Vincent Ng

you forget the massive lie to start the invasion of Iraq, with a test tube of washing powder masquerading as WMD? The US government can lie with such a straight face.

Chenyao Lu

The thing is you can say it here. I agree that the control of media is universal, but there is a matter of degree.

Also, people are always saying the western media is only making propaganda. However, issues like My Lai Massacre and Abu Ghraib Torture is known to the public thanks to the western media.


manipulate v. 操纵
restrict v. 限制
colossal adj. 巨大的
ignorance n. 物质
naivete n. 天真
massive adj. 巨大的
masquerade v. 掩饰
WMD =weapon of mass destruction
straight face 面无表情的脸
The thing is 问题在于……
a matter of degree 程度问题



“Mão de Deus” is Portuguese for “Hand of God” . It is also a common name for a plant called “Mexican Sunflower” .In Chinese, “Mão de Deus” can be translated to “上帝之手” .



Why didn't the US bomb China like Syria, Libya, and Afghanistan since the US sees China as the biggest threat?

答主:David J Wong, Lived in US

It’s pretty simple.

The US hasn’t bombed China because China and the US are not at war.

It also helps that China has hundreds of these
and these
You don’t go around directly bombing other nuclear-armed powers unless you want to risk starting WWIII. Even at the height of the Cold War when the US and the USSR were locked in a battle for global supremacy, they used proxies rather than confront each other directly for this very reason.

Of course, the bigger question that should be asked relates to your common sense and ethics. Specifically, what act of war has China committed against the United States that the US should bomb it? And why you think it’s appropriate for the United States to be going around bombing every country that might somehow be perceived as a threat?


go around 以某种方式做事
supremacy n. 霸权
confront v. 面对
height n. 最高点
very adj. (加强名词语气)唯独
ethic n. 道德标准
specifically adv. 具体地
appropriate adj. 合适的
perceive v. 认为




(10 篇回复,发表在 新梦轩)


What do Chinese citizens, particularly the young adults, think about events such as the June 4th Incident, aka, the Tiananmen Square massacre, when information around it has been so heavily censored?

答主:Xingyi Jiang

I am currently a student at Beijing’s Tsinghua University majoring in law. I first came to know this incident when my father, who was at that time a university students in Beijing, talked about it with his university classmates on a reunion event.

My father was not on the square on that particular night, but surely many of his classmates did. When they talked about this, I could only feel that they were recalling some unforgettable interesting things happened during college years. Time has passed and China has become very different from then. And most students who participated in that incident have become the backbone of Chinese society. It was very hard to get into university then. After the incident, most of the students involved were not held responsible for the riots and later became social elite.

When I asked them whether there were deaths among their schoolmates my father told me their was only one-a male student was shot when attempting to set a bus into flames. And still, this kill did not take place on the square on that particular night.

I could tell today, most Chinese people in his age, who know what happened that time are gratitude the CCP withstood the pressure given by the students and western powers and crackdown this movement. Actually, at that time many people in China were in sympathy with the students. Then, Chinese people’s basic wish was actually not to adopt western democracy but to start anti-corruption campaigns. However, because of the efforts made by CIA agents and the propaganda campaign made by western medias, the movement has been interpreted as a democratic protest. And later years witnessed the failure of western democracy and universal value in many places like the fallen Soviet Union and the Middle East. Democracy has really become a bad name in China.

My father told me that he really admired Deng, who at that time a reformer, daring to bear the evil name of masscarer and decisively crackdown on the movement and send the students back to school. Deng was absolutely a reformer and who had a true insight about Chinas’s history, today and future. He knew that abruptly ending the rule of CCP will bring much more trouble and instability into China. Without the CCP’s decisive action, Chinese people could not expect the economic boom in the 30 years after the incident.


massacre n. 屠杀
censor v. 删减,审查
particular adj. 专指的,特指的
backbone n. 脊梁骨
gratitude n. 感激之情
withstand v. 顶住
crackdown v. 镇压
sympathy n. 同情
anti-corruption n. 反腐败
effort n. 努力
interpret v. 解释
protest v. 抗议
witeness v. 目击
decisively adv. 果断地
abruptly adv. 突然地



China bans Facebook, why doesn't the US ban tiktok?

答主:He Haolin(何昊霖), Lives in China

2009 there was a terrorist attack happened in China, the police ask Facebook to to hand them over information such as the identity of the suspect, but Facebook chose to refuse, and the incident was considered the main reason for Facebook's departure from China

I'm sure that have nothing common with the TikTok case

And also, I did came across a comment about the TikTok case, from the former President of Google Greater China 李开复(Kai-Fu Lee)

So what do you think?

RS Rex

For FB, google case:
I don’t want to enter your market because I don’t want to follow your law, and this is your fault.
You should just change your law, because I am SO important.

For Tiktok case:
You followed my law, but so what. I can just label you as ‘You CANT be trusted’, AND Once I said it, with or without evidence doesn’t matter.
You should just ‘convert’ to US company, because I am SO important.


hand over 移交
incident n. 事件
come across v. 偶遇,无意中发现




Has Chinese space tech been helped by whom?

答主:Peter Elliott, Lives in Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand (1959–present)

Russia mainly I guess. They’re the acknowledged leaders and pioneers in the field. Hell even the US relies on them to get to the space station. Good neighbours help each other smile

Although seriously, China are leaders in so many fields now. Done following. They probably don’t need much help.

Richard Leong

America blocked China access to the ‘International’ Space Station, international, unless your Chinese. Anyway, China built its own space station, called Tiangong. The Chinese space station is truly international, with any country welcome to participate, including the Americans.


acknowledged adj. 公认的
hell int. 见鬼
participate v. 参加




(10 篇回复,发表在 新梦轩)


If Taiwan is a country, then when did it become independent?

答主:Peter Elliott, Lives in Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand (1959–present)

Pretty sure Taiwan has never been a country. It’s always been an Island which was part of Holland, part of Spain, part of China, part of Japan and now part of China again. Before the Dutch it just had people similar to the group that inhabits the Pacific Islands to this day. But no government and no structure to be able to be called a country. Just an Island.

Actually it might have been a country between 1662 and 1683 - Kingdom of Tungning, which was between Spain and China (the first time). Now it’s ruled by the Republic of China (ROC). The name sort of tells it all really. They see themselves as part of China. For sure you wouldn’t get any Taiwanese saying they’re a country. Maybe the odd ignorant one but still. Consensus is that it’s not a country and pretty well never has been, but you could say if you really wanted to that it bcame a country in 1662 and then stopped being a country in 1683. Although it only comprised of the part in pink…

group n. 族、群
inhabit v. 居住于
sort of adv. 有点
for sure adv. 毫无疑问地
get v. 让(某人做某事)
odd adj. 怪异的
ignorant adj. 无知的
censensus n. 共识
pretty well adv. 几乎
comprise v. 包括



Why can’t China let the People of Taiwan decide themselves if they want to live under China’s thumb?

答主:Shun Bot, BS from Xinjiang Re-Education Camps (Graduated 1990)

Why can’t the Union let the Confederacy decide themselves if they want to live under the Union’s thumb?

Why can’t the English let Northern Ireland decide themselves if they want to live under the British thumb?

Why can’t Spain let Catalonia decide themselves if they want to live under the Spanish thumb?

Why can’t Japan let Okinawa decide themselves if they want to live under the Japanese thumb?

Do I need to keep going, or are you satisfied now? I think there’s a packet of fentanyl you still have to work on. It is your country’s national pastime after all… Well, that and shooting kids in schools. Though the latter activity requires a certain level of physical fitness (guns are heavy) that few of your countrymen can manage.
Look on the bright side: if they’re unqualified for military service, they’re unlikely to be school shooters. See, there’s a silver lining in everything!

To formally answer the question:

China won’t let Taiwan go because that’s China’s right as a sovereign country. We need no justification and we don’t need to defend our decision.

·180 out of 193 UN members recognize China as China (including your country).
·The other 13 recognize Taiwan as China.
·0 members recognize Taiwan as Taiwan.

So before you defend Taiwan’s “sovereignty” you should first get your govt to recognize Taiwan as sovereign.


thumb n. 拇指
confederacy n. 联盟,联邦
fentanyl n. 芬太尼
work on 忙于……
pastime n. 娱乐
after all 毕竟
fitness n.减抗
countryman n. 国民
unqualified adj. 不合格的
There’s a silver lining in everything. 凡事都有一线希望
sovereign adj. 有主权的、
justification n. 证明为正当




(1 篇回复,发表在 新梦轩)



Why do young Chinese have so little interest in democracy?

答主:Shun Bot, BS from Xinjiang Re-Education Camps (Graduated 1990)

There is a prevailing myth that democracy = wealth. This myth is supported by the fact that nearly all wealthy countries are at least nominally democratic. However, this theory doesn’t take into account the order of events. Did these countries become rich first, or democratic first?

Looking at the G7, the biggest rich countries in the world, all 7 were rich first and democratic later (if we assume “democratic” means electoral govt by universal male suffrage). In the case of Germany, Italy and Japan, it took multiple world wars for their democracies to stick. A poor country doesn’t start world wars.
Pictured is the first railway line in Japan, between Tokyo and Yokohama, built in 1875 while Japan was under oligarchic rule. The parallels with China’s HSR should be obvious.

On the other hand, there are over 100 countries in the world that are poor or middle income and became democratic without becoming rich. India, Brazil, Indonesia are the best examples. No one in China wants their country to resemble any of those countries.
Brazil became fully democratic by mid 20th century. Since then, it’s level of development relative to the US has not improved. It may have actually gone backward. China does not want to end up like Brazil.

Most Chinese still view China as a poor or middle income country. Very few would consider it a rich country. And objectively speaking, at around $11,000 USD GDP per capita (nominal), China is on the lower end of “middle income”. On a per capita basis, it’s on par with countries like Russia, Brazil, Malaysia and Mexico.

The priority is thus to become rich first. And once we cross that bridge, we can decide what we want to do in terms of political liberalization.


prevail v. 流行
nominally adv. 名义上地
take into account 考虑
order n. 顺序
assume v. 假设
electoral adj. 选举的
govt =government
suffrage n. 选举权
stick v. 被接受
Yokohama n. 横滨
oligarchic adj. 寡头政治的
parallel n. 共同点
HSR = Hight Speed Railway
resemble v. 与……相似
relative adj. 相比较而言的
objectively adv. 客观地
per capita adv. 人均
par adj. 标准的
priority n. 优先事项
thus adv. 因此
in terms of 在……方面



Each year, thousands of Chinese students study abroad. Does the Chinese government even worry or care that the vast majority of them will learn about Tiananmen Square?

答主:Fred Chuatiuco, Former Healthcare CFO

And you think that “Tiananmen Square” can be hidden from the Chinese students in China?

The one thing that the CPC is not worried about is the thousands of Chinese students having the first-hand opportunity to not just learn about “Tiananmen Square” but also to contrast all that China is all about against what “Western democracy and freedom” is about by living it.

And all these thousands are voting with their feet - returning to China becoming more nationalistic and pro-CPC than ever before. The proof is in the pudding.

Just so you know, its not thousands but millions of Chinese citizens leave China every year as tourists. Have you heard of anybody running to foreign embassies seeking asylum? Western narratives have China committing genocide of the Uighurs by the millions and human right violation of Tibetans but where are even a handful of minority refugees desperately escaping China for the West?

Westerners need to use some common sense to filter NGO and BBC propaganda from reality. You are the ones in the dark about China in so many things that count.


vast adj. 巨大的
opportunity n. 机会
nationalistic adj. 民族主义的
proof n. 证据
embassy n. 大使馆
asylum n. 政治庇护
narrative n. 叙事
violation n. 违反,侵犯
handful n. 一把,少量
desperately  adv. 绝望地
filter v. 筛选,过滤
count v. 重要



Mao Zedong died in 1976. Why is China still obsessed with a dead man from 1976?

答主:Tony Tan, Former Self Employed Trader

The Chinese are not obsessed with Mao. But we are beginning to wonder why the China haters are so obsessed with hating Mao and want to persuade us to hate Mao too.

You must admit that there must be something which make them to keep doing that.

Zhang Zhiheng

The Chinese haters are the best teachers to show you the right way to go by consistently pointing to the wrong direction. Which they hate most must be the one we should love the most, such as Chairman Mao.

Tony Tan

That's right. I used to hate Chairman Mao. But the foreign haters convinced me that Mao had to be a good Chinese leader.

Suresh Kumar

True actually just like those idiots that hated, the Mughal emperor, and kept on making stuff up to justify it.

Boonee Teoh

Without Chairman Mao, there will be more foreign occupations. Thanks, Chairman Mao the father of China!


obsess v. 使着迷,念念不忘
persuade v. 说服
consistent adj. 始终如一的
convince v. 使确信
make stuff up 杜撰
justify v. 证明……正确,为……辩护
occcupation n. 职业;占领




(10 篇回复,发表在 新梦轩)


Why does Saudi Arabia want to join BRICS?

答主:Sheoran, studied international relations

After Russia-Ukraine war, many countries are now understanding where the world order is heading. They are now realising the hypocrisy of the west. Whenever any country does not work according to the west (mainly US), then later they will support rival party to create and build pressure to the country. This is like doing indirect blackmail.

The same is now happening with India. As soon as India is becoming neutral, the US is supporting Pakistan.

Saudi Arabia understands this. They are remaining neutral and somewhat supporting Russia in oil production issue. Now, Iran will be the full-fledged member of BRICS from 2023.

China, India, Russia all are showing neutral positions regarding Saudi-Iran issue. They don’t want to get caught up. It was US who was not neutral. Because of this, they were benefiting immediately and long-term trust issues will happen.

Anyway, many off topic things are written but they are important for understanding issue as a whole. Overall, US is not going anywhere. They can play a lot cards. US dollars will stay global currency and not going anywhere anytime soon.

head v. 朝某方向行进
hypocrisy n. 伪善
rival n. 竞争对手
indirect adj. 间接的
blackmail n. 威胁,勒索
somewhat adv. 有点
full-fledged adj. 羽毛丰满的,完全有资格的
catch up 把……缠住
off topic 离题
anyway 好吧(用于转换话题或回到前一个话题)
overall 总的来说
currency n. 通货




(0 篇回复,发表在 英语角)

Why does China actually need Taiwan?

答主:Peter Elliott, Lived in Dalian, Liaoning, China (2008–2012)

Ok rather than going down the track of “it’s theirs” and talking about history, imagine what would happen if Taiwan was independent. How long would it take for the US to have a military base there complete with nukes pointing the 100 odd km at China.

So even if they could give it up spiritually, there’s no way geopolitically, in terms of security that China would allow the US to complete the first Island chain and encircle them. No way.

So yes China needs Taiwan at least in its current state of ambiguity. Otherwise it’s an existential crisis and after the last one, where the west plundered China for 100 years (AND in living memory) they won’t be going down that track again. It was almost the death of China and one that’ll take generations more to recover from.
The first Island chain is also why China is set on retaining control of Islands in the SCS and why the US is so set on disrupting it. It pushes Chinese military assets up and into that encirclement and could possibly tear holes in any future blockade - a path for shipping. Remembering that a US blockade of China which included preventing humanitarian aid killed millions in the famine in the 1900s.

China learns from its mistakes.


down the track 更进一步
odd adj. 大约
complete v. 使完成
even if 即使
spiritually adv. 在精神上地
in terms of 从……角度
state n. 状态
ambiguity n. 模棱两可
existential adj. 有关存在的
plunder v. 掠夺
in living memory 在人们的记忆中
set on 决定做
retain v. 保持
disrupt v. 中断
asset n. 资产
encirclement n. 包围
tear v. 撕裂
blockade  n. 封锁
humanitarian adj. 人道主义的



How come Putin doesn't recognise his biggest threat is Chinese expansionism and not NATO's mutual defence?

答主:Eric Wicklund, ormer Operations Specialist at United States Navy (USN) (1984–1992)

Because China is a very patient hunter. China plays the long game. Putin doesn’t even know he’s being hunted.

China isn’t going to make a move on Russia right now, they’re “friends without limits,” right? No, China is like the ancient human hunters. They just chased their prey for hours, if not days. They waited until the prey was overheated in the hot sun, and completely exhausted, unable to fight back.

That’s what China is doing, carefully gauging the strength of Russia and waiting for the right moment to strike. Note: this may not even involve military action. China is quite expert at Soft Power. They may gain the rights to everything they want in Russia without ever firing a shot. This may take 10 years or it may take 20. Who knows?
Yes, that’s it. Keep focusing on NATO. I’ll just stand over here…waiting…
对,就是这样。保持注意力在北约身上。我会就这样 站在这……等待……

Putin will not react to China because he is so completely obsessed with NATO. Ever notice how a dog will obsess over a squirrel in a tree? It will bark incessantly at the squirrel which is completely unaffected, knowing the dog can’t get to it. The dog should know this too, but it still gets worked up into a frenzy, constantly barking, spinning in circles, infuriated that it can’t get to the squirrel.

That’s Putin, the dog, obsessing over something he can’t control, never seeing the real threat in the East.


how come 为什么
mutual adj. 共同的
make a move 采取行动
pery n. 猎物
gauge v. 测量,判断
expert adj. 熟练的
obsess v. 使着迷,念念不忘
squirrel n. 松鼠
incessantly adv. 不停地
worked up adj. 激动的
frenzy n. 疯狂
constantly adv. 不断地
infuriate v. 激怒



Why do mainstream economists ignore Marxism?

答主:Michael Barnard

Because economists study it academically as part of their program. They read the core texts, understand the mostly accurate observations Marx made about unfettered capitalism, and are also shown how capitalism adapted in most places to avoid those concerns.

For example, Marxism is taught in MIT’s Economics curriculum.
举例来说, 马克思主义在麻省理工学院就作为经济学课程被教授。

"This course addresses the evolution of the modern capitalist economy and evaluates its current structure and performance. Various paradigms of economics are contrasted and compared (neoclassical, Marxist, socioeconomic, and neocorporate) in order to understand how modern capitalism has been shaped and how it functions in today's economy. The course stresses general analytic reasoning and problem formulation rather than specific analytic techniques. Readings include classics in economic thought as well as contemporary analyses."
”这门课程研究的是现代资本主义经济的演变,并评估它当下的结构和表现。我们将对比和比较多种经济学范例(新古典主义、马克思主义、社会经济学和新社团主义),目的是理解现代资本主义是如何塑造并在当下的经济生活中发挥作用的。相比于具体的分析技巧,本课程更强调一般性分析推理和问题规划。阅读材料包括经济学思想的经典著作和当代分析。 “

Capitalism and Its Critics - MIT Course Number 14.72
资本主义与其批判 - 麻省理工学院课程编号 14.72

That’s why most mainstream economists are working in liberal democracies which have strong social safety nets, universal healthcare and strong global trade alliances. That’s why most mainstream economists are Keynesian stimulus supporters, not Chicago School austerity supporters.

There’s nothing magical about Marx. His observations were mostly correct. His solutions were broken, as has been proven empirically enough times that only rampant ideologues who refuse to attend to reality apply them.

But economists are ‘trained Marxists’ too. They’ve mostly all studied him. But just as me having read the Bible three times for different purposes doesn’t make me a Christian, and having studied multiple cults doesn’t make me a cultist, they mostly didn’t become Marxists.

There are other problems with mainstream economists, especially the ones who couldn’t get their heads around behavioral economics or the ones stuck in blind adherence to the Chicago School (often the same people), but not knowing Marx and not agreeing with his solution set are not among them.

Update: I’m currently listening to Mark Carney’s book, Values: Building a Better World for All.

Who is Mark Carney? Well, he was the Governor of the Bank of England. That was after being the Governor of the Bank of Canada. He has a Bachelor of Economics from Harvard. He has a Masters and Doctor of Philosphy in economics from Oxford.

Can we agree he’s an economist? Can we agree he’s a mainstream economist? Can we agree, in fact, that he’s one of the most prominent mainstream economists on the planet?

Great. Well, I just listened to him talking about the history of economics, from the earliest theorists through Smith and on into the 20th Century. Guess what? Marx showed up and was given respectful treatment. In fact, Carney made it clear that he considered Smith and Marx to have related ethical and moral perspectives about the place of capitalism and value.

Once again, Marx isn’t ignored. Economists know his work. They know where it sits in the evolutionary history of economics. They know where he was right for his time and where he was wrong.


accurate adj. 准确地
unfettered adj. 无拘无束的
concern n. 关心;忧虑
MIT =Massachusetts Insitute of Technolgy 麻省理工学院
curriculum n. 学校课程
address v. 研究处理(问题)
evaluate v. 评估
paradigm n. 典范,范例
socioeconomic n. 社会经济学
corporate adj. 公司的,团体的,法人的
stress v. 着重强调
general analytic reasoning 一般分析推理
formulation n. 规划,制订
specific adj. 具体的,特定的
contemporary adj. 当代的
analyse n. 分析
stimulus n. 刺激
school n. 流派,学派
austerity n. 紧缩
empirically adv. 以经验为主地
rampant adj. 泛滥的,猖獗的
ideologue n. 理论家,空想家
attend to 注意到
cult n. 异教
(not) get one's head around 搞(不)懂
stuck in 陷入
adherence n. 遵守,坚持
governor n. 主管
prominent adj. 重要的
and on 等等
show up 露面
make it clear that 弄清楚,明确表示
ethical adj. 有益于人类的
perspective n. 观点,视角



Who is the most notorious mad genius of all time?

答主:Alex Mann, M.A in History & Latin (language), Ohio University (Graduated 2016)

How about instead of notorious we focus on an evil genius that should be more notorious? Nazi scientists always get all the focus but what if I told you Japan had their own version of an evil scientist and he was an absolute monster.

Meet Shirō Ishii - a serious piece of sh%t
This guy was a Doctor and microbiologist- and a rather smart one at that. He was regarded as a brilliant person for nearly his entire life. He was well educated and joined the army as a doctor. While there he caught the eyes of his superiors and was sent for further education at Kyoto Imperial University.

During WW2 he was placed in charge of Unit 731 and this is what he was known for.

What was unit 731? Well, they were a scientific unit that conducted experiments and thought up new ways to win the war. Some examples of things they did include

·Imprisoning women, raping them until they got pregnant, and then running horrid painful experiments on them just so they could see how certain poisons affected pregnant women.

·They would infect people with syphilis and then cut them open (while alive and awake) so they could see what their bodies did as the infection progressed. Women, men, and even children were forcibly infected. This is called vivisection- its the practice of cutting someone open while alive to see what their body is doing and its typically done when experimenting on animals. In unit 731 they did it to people without anesthesia- always resulting in a slow agonizing death for the person.

·Injected people with animal blood to see what happens (bad way to die)

·Placed people in centrifuges and spun it until they died

·Deprived prisoners of food and water to see how long it was until they died

·Placed people in low-pressure chambers until their eyes popped out

·Burned people alive to see how long they would live

·Injected people with saltwater to see what would happen

·Poisoned people to see the effects

·gave people radiation poisoning to see the effects

·Leave 3-day old babies in the cold just to see how long it took them to freeze to death

·Tested flamethrowers on live people

Tested grenades on live people

·Removed organs for fun. For instance, they would remove someone's stomach and attach their esophagus to their intestines directly.

·Tested hundreds of diseases and biological weapons on people

In all, around 10,000 prisoners were killed by Unit 731 and as many as 20,000 were tested on. The biological weapons produced by this unit were used to kill as many as 500,000 civilians

On a side note not even the Nazis used chemical weapons in WW2 (they only did in concentration camps). The ONLY nation to employ chemical weapons against civilian and military targets in WW2 was Japan.

You may wonder what happened to Shirō. I mean we caught him and put him on trial for war crimes right?


He was given full immunity in exchange for full disclosure of his tests. American microbiologists stated that Shirō’s findings were extremely valuable and impossible to replicate unless the experiments were done again.

Shirō lived out the remainder of his life a free man and died in 1959.


notorious adj. 臭名昭著的
what if 假如……会怎么样
microbiologist n. 微生物学家
rather adj. 在某种程度上
brilliant adj. 杰出的
superior n. 上司
conduct v. 进行
experiment n. 实验
think up v. 想出(主意或计划)
pregnant adj. 怀孕的
horrid adj. 非常令人讨厌的
affect v. 影响
syphilis n. 梅毒
forcibly adj. 用强力,用武力
vivisection n. 活体解剖
typically adv. 通常,典型地
practice n. 实践
anesthesia n. 麻醉
agonize v. 感到极度痛苦
inject vt. 注射
bad way to 糟糕的方式
centrifuge n. 离心机
spin v. 高速旋转
deprive v. 剥夺
chamber n.(作特定用途的)房间、
pop v. 砰地爆开,砰地脱落
radiation n. 辐射
poison v. 污染(环境)
organ n. 器官
esophagus n. 食道
intestine n. 肠道
on a side note 顺带一提
employ v. 应用
trial n. 审判
nope adv. 不,没有
immunity n. 免疫,豁免
disclosure n. 透露
state v. 陈述,说明
replicate v. 复制
remainder n. 剩余部分

