Why does most of the world outside the west not care about Ukraine anymore?
答主:Sylvain Saurel, Founder at Sylvain Saurel's Newsletter (2019–present)
Probably for the same reason that Westerners don't care much about the war in Yemen for example...

It’s far from us, so we don’t look too much, because it’s seen as a regional war. This is what the emerging countries of the Global South are saying.
We can understand them because basically, Westerners often send them the same message when there are wars in their area.
The reaction of Westerners is quite symptomatic of how they consider their world to be more important than the rest of the world.
A war breaks out in Ukraine and the rest of the world should show solidarity by excluding Putin?
Even though I think Putin is a tyrant who needs to be defeated in Ukraine to show dictators around the world that democracy and freedom are still there, I understand the reaction of these emerging countries.
Many of them are anyway well infiltrated by Russian propaganda via Wagner in particular. From then on, they will rather give the illusion of supporting Russia, when in reality, they have nothing to do with this war.
The reaction of emerging countries is like a mirror effect of the reaction of Westerners to the wars that usually take place at home and that do not interest Westerners. Everyone has their own struggles in a way.
emerging adj. 新兴的
symptomatic adj. 有症状的
symptomatic of 作为……的症状
solidarity n. 团结一致
infiltrate v. 渗透
anyway adv. 那么
struggle n. 奋斗,斗争
in a way 以某种方式