# 04
Today, Wahaha is a sprawling enterprise covering nearly every Chinese province. The company’s 30,000 employees and more than 80 plants annually produce 30 billion bottles of milk, tea, juice, water and yogurt.

sprawl 作动词,是「蔓延,扩张」的意思。sprawling 为形容词,形容「蔓延的,巨大的」,给人一种又大又乱的感觉。
文中 a sprawling enterprise 便指「规模庞大的企业」。
They erected the barbecue festival on the site of a sprawling seafood market, the only place big enough to host 10,000 people.

enterprise 为可数名词,指「公司,企业」。
国企便叫作:state-owned enterprises,简称SOE。

# 03
“The media also said we were capitalists,” Zong told the BBC in 2011. “It was a huge negative campaign.”

His bold move was to buy the 2,000-employee facility. Wahaha hit just as China’s economy was generating cash income for individuals who during its Communist era had goods allocated to them by the government.

Zong capitalized on the trend by saturating media so Wahaha became better known than Coke to large segments of the population, and made his drinks available even deep in the countryside with aggressive distribution and low pricing.

bold 为形容词,指「大胆的,果敢的」(not afraid of taking risks and making difficult decisions)。

move 这里为可数名词,指「行动,举措」(something that you decide to do in order to achieve something)。

just as… 指「恰逢...,正当...」。
eg;It's a shame you're leaving just as we started dating.

allocate [ˈæləkeɪt]为动词,指「分配,拨给」(to give something to someone as their share of a total amount, for them to use in a particular way)。
In Shanghai, the local government mandated that local state-owned companies allocate at least half of new positions to college graduates this year.在上海,当地政府规定,市属和区属国有企业要在年度招聘计划中,安排不低于50%的就业岗位面向上海市高校毕业生定向招聘。

have sth done 指「让...被...」。
比如: She had all her jewellery stolen.她所有的首饰都被偷了。
文中 had goods allocated to them by the government 便指「让商品被政府分发给他们」。

capitalize on /upon sth 指「充分利用…」(to gain a further advantage for yourself from a situation)。
eg;Capitalize on press interest.利用新闻界的兴趣。
近义表达还有take advantage of sth, make the most of sth 等等。

saturate [ˈsætjʊreɪt] 作动词时,本来是「浸透,使...湿透」的意思。
引申出「使...充满,使...饱和」的意思(to fill a thing or place completely so that no more can be added)。
saturate media 渗透媒体,也就是在媒体上大量投放广告的意思。

短语be saturated with指「充满...,充斥着...」。
Our culture is saturated with television and advertising.
The losses to companies, many already saturated with debt, risk triggering a financial crisis of cataclysmic proportions.
这里be saturated with debt 便是「充满债务,负债累累」的意思。

segment [ˈseg.mənt] 为可数名词,指「部分」。large segments of the population 便指「人口中的很大部分,众多人口」。

available 为形容词,指「可获得」。make sth available (to sb) 便指「让...能够获得...」。

文中made his drinks available even deep in the countryside 即「让他的饮料在农村偏远地区也买得到」。
我们在“人人影视”被判刑!《经济学人》如何报道?还讲过一个近义词:make sth accessible to sb 也是「让...能获得...」,大家顺便复习一下。

pricing 这里为不可数名词,指「定价」。low pricing即「低廉的定价」。

deep 这里是副词,指「在深处,至深处」,后面多跟副词或介词。
deep in the countryside 便指「深入农村偏远地区」。再举两个例子,大家熟悉一下deep的这个用法:
He stood with his hands deep in his pockets.
He gazed deep into her eyes.
They sat and talked deep into the night.他们坐着谈话,一直谈到深夜。

with sth 这里是「用」的意思。
怎么made his drinks available even deep in the countryside呢?作者用with引出方式:with aggressive distribution and low pricing 通过积极的分销和低廉的价格。

aggressive 很多同学一看到这个词,容易产生负面的印象。但在实际使用中,aggressive 多指正面的「有进取心的,有冲劲的,大刀阔斧」的意思,这里也是如此。

distribution 来自于动词distribute,指「分销,经销」。

# 02
He created Wahaha in 1989 after developing a “children’s tonic” drink that he pitched as a nutritious supplement for students who weren’t getting enough to eat.

When he tried to use idled capacity in a government-owned canning company to make the popular drink, workers revolted for fear a private businessman would toss them out.

create sth 这里指「创办」。我们也可以说found sth。「创始人」就叫作founder。
pitch作动词,指「推销,争取...的支持」。比如你有一个新想法,想要说服老板,就可以做个PPT,pitch your new idea to your boss。
短语 pitch sth as sth 便指「把...作为...进行推销」
pitch [pɪtʃ] 也可作名词,指「宣传,广告」,make a pitch / pitches 指「宣传,营销」。
a nutritious supplement指「营养补充」。
nutritious 为形容词,指「有营养的,营养价值高的」,来自于名词nutrition(营养)。
idled为形容词,指「不工作的,闲置的」(not working or producing anything)。
Freshippo, Alibaba’s e-grocer, has engaged 2,000 staff from 30 idled restaurant chains.阿里巴巴的线上超市盒马鲜生已从30 间停业的连锁餐厅雇佣了 2000 名员工。
常见的搭配时:to lie/stand/sit / remain idle 闲置着
eg;The machines were lying idle.
idle 还有「漫无目的的」的意思。常和gossip搭配,idle gossip 指「无聊的八卦」。
revolt [rɪˈvəʊlt] 为动词,指「反抗,反叛」(to take violent action against the people in power)。
for fear (that) … / for fear of sth指「唯恐,生怕」(because you are worried that you will make something happen)。
eg;Some Americans are reluctant to take a long holiday for fear that their employer will find they can easily manage without them.一些美国人并不愿意休⻓假,因为担心他们的雇主会发现离了他们公司照样能好好运转。
sb is reluctant to do sth for fear that... / for fear of sth. 某人因为害怕...,而不愿意 做...。
eg;They faced a lot of pressure to be hands-on mothers, had little support from their husbands and were reluctant to ask for reduced schedules for fear of not seeming committed to their jobs.
Many people with depression are reluctant to seek treatment for fear of being discriminated against.
toss 为动词,指「扔」这个动作。
toss sb out 把某人扔出去,指「赶走,撵走某人」。
I mean, it could be time we tossed you out on street.


Zong Qinghou, Soft-Drink Magnate Who Bested Coke and Pepsi in China, Dies
magnate  [ˈmægnət] 指「大亨,巨头」(a rich and powerful person in industry or business)。the soft-drink magnate 便指「饮料大亨」。标题为节省版面,省略了冠词the。
外刊中常出现的表示「巨头」的词还有 giant, tycoon等等。
best 这里为动词,指「击败,超过」,相当于defeat sb。这里best Coke and Pepsi 便指「打败可口可乐与百事可乐」。
take on sb 指「与...较量,接受...挑战」(If you take someone on, you fight them or compete against them, especially when they are bigger or more powerful than you are.),这个词一般指与比自己实力比较强的对手较量。

# 01
Like many from China’s first generation of private entrepreneurs, Zong grew up desperately poor. His hometown of Hangzhou later gained an image for technology, after Jack Ma based Alibaba Group Holding there, but business was more freewheeling in 1987 when Zong was selling drinks and ice cream for pennies from a three-wheeled vehicle.

private entrepreneurs 指「民营企业家」。
sb grew up desperately poor. 便指「某人出身贫寒」。
desperately 这里是个程度副词,指「非常,极其」,相当于extremely。注意desperately 其后一般跟负面的形容词。
public image 公众形象
base 为动词,指「把总部设在…,把办公地点设在…」。
地点-based 便指「总部设在…的」,也是一个非常实用的表达。比如:a Shanghai-based company 一家总部设在上海的公司。
freewheel 由free(自由)和wheel(轮胎)构成,本来是指骑车或开车下坡时「滑行」。
freewheeling为形容词,喻指「随心所欲的,自由放纵的」(not concerned about rules or the possible results of what you do),非常有画面感的一个词,有一种野蛮生长的感觉。
And Shen-zhen’s special economic zone did well because it operated as a freewheeling hub.


Don't take it to heart.
have one's hands full (with sth)
have a mind of one's own
go to (all) the trouble (of doing sth)
go to great / extreme lengths to do sth
trip / fall over oneself to do sth
trip, trip over sth, trip sb
fall over ≈ collapse
set one's mind on sth / have one's mind set on sth
have one's heart set on sth /  set one's heart on sth
I don't mean to pry, but ...
Forgive me for prying, but ...
Would you care for sth ?

The Denver ladies will be tripping over themselves to offer you sympathy.
trip over oneself to do sth
这个词得从trip讲起:trip 可作动词,指某人「绊倒」,也可指「绊倒某人」短语 trip over oneself to do sth,想象一下互相绊倒是什么画面,是不是都在往前挤往前冲的时候?因此trip over oneself to do sth 便表示「赶忙做某事,迫不及待地做某事」
People were tripping over each other to congratulate her. 人们忙不迭地去恭喜她。
近义词:fall over oneself to do sth
表示「煞费苦心做某事,迫不及待做某事」(to try very hard or want very much to do sth)。

Now governments and institutions are falling over themselves to chum up to workers. President Joe Biden hopes to use his planned infrastructure splurge to promote unionisation and to pay generous wages.
chum [tʃʌm] 作名词指「朋友,伙伴」,不过这种说法有些过时,类似中文里的「伙计」。
动词短语chum up with sb 表示to become friends with sb,即「与...成为朋友」。句中的chum up to workers 指政府和机构在拉拢、讨好劳动者。

I know you may have your mind set on leaving, but I can't let you go without telling you how I feel.
set one's mind on sth / have one's mind set on sth 表示「下定决心做某事,拿定主意做某事」,相当于我熟悉的be determined to do sth。

比如:When my wife sets her mind on something, she invariably finds a way to achieve it.

have one's heart set on sth /  set one's heart on sth 表示「渴望某事,一心想要某事 」。我们可以用这个词替换really want to do sth,want sth very much。

His father bought him the bike he had set his heart on.

She had set her heart on becoming a hairdresser.

pry 是个动词,本来是指「撬开」。撬开某人嘴,便表示「探听,打听,探查」隐私,也就是我们现在说的「八卦」。
I don't mean to pry, but ...
Look, I don't mean to pry but does this have something to do with Summer leaving?

以后在八卦前,就可以事先声明一句:I don't mean to pry, but ... Forgive me for prying, but ...
如果不小心冒犯到别人,可以道歉说:Sorry, I didn't mean to pry.

bud 作名词时,指「花蕾」,作动词时,指「发芽」。

a budding writer  崭露头角的作家
a budding archaeologist 崭露头角的考古学家

My Sister follows the story of a young woman pressured to raise her younger brother after her parents die. But she is torn about pursuing a budding medical career.

近义词还有:fledgling,embryonic, nascent等等。

Would you care for sth? 


care for sb 还有两个意思:
1.指「照顾,照料」病人、老人、幼儿等,可与我们熟悉的look after sb, take care of sb同义替换。
2.表示「深深地爱;非常喜欢」(to love or like sb very much)。举几个例子:

故事发生在二战时期。女主角Livvy是美国上个世纪40年代少见的高知女性,在母亲去世后,倍感孤独,一时失足怀了军官Edward的孩子。 父亲为了掩盖家丑,通过牧师好友的牵线,将Livvy硬嫁给了单身农场主Ray。两个素昧谋面的陌生人,便结为了夫妻。


Whatever father said to you, don't take it to heart.

take sth to heart  一个固定词组,表示「往心里去,对...耿耿于怀」, Don't take it to heart. 便表示「别忘心里去」

have one's hands full (with sth) 是一个习语,表示「忙得不可开交;应接不暇」( to be very busy or too busy to do sth else)。

She certainly has her hands full with five kids in the house. 家里养着四个孩子,她当然忙得团团转。
我忙不过来了」,I have my hands full。

The beet box has a mind of its own.
have a mind of one's own 表示「有主见,能自作决定」。

My computer seems to have a mind of its own! 我的电脑好像也有它自己的想法!

The bicycle seemed to have a mind of its own and I couldn’t steer it straight.

I don't know why he's going to the trouble.
He just wants to please you.
go to the trouble (of doing sth)是口语里的高频词,指「不怕麻烦做某事,不辞辛苦做某事,特意做某事」。

程度更深一点,我们可以说:go to all the trouble of doing sth。

英文里还有一个短语:go to any / some /great lengths (to do sth),表示「竭尽全力做某事,不遗余力做某事」(to put a lot of effort into doing sth, especially when this seems extreme),可替换我们熟悉的try one’s best to do sth, spare no efforts to do sth。这个词可以用在书面作文里。

Among those living in residential compounds that allow deliveries, many have had to go to extreme lengths to arrange private food purchases.

China’s fan circles, or fanquan, are highly organized groups that will go to great lengths to support their idol, from doing charity work in their name to waging digital war on social media to boost their ranking.

Jia Ling Returns to the Limelight with New “YOLO” Movie and 100-Pound Weight Loss Announcement

1. limelight
return to the limelight 便指「重回观众视野,重新成为观众焦点」
in / under the spotlight
在聚光灯下,指「...是公众关注的焦点」 。
put sb / sth in the spotlight

The show, to be hosted by leading Chinese actor Huang Xiaoming, bucks the trend of reality TV shows that put teenage girls in the spotlight.

shine the spotlight on / over sth

TikTok’s popularity over the past two years has shone the spotlight on ByteDance, its Beijing-based developer.

YOLO 是个缩写,完整说法是You only live once 你只活一次,这也是贾玲新电影的英文名。

I believe that ... 这个词可以完美替换I think that...,相对来说,I believe that...比I think that...更坚定一些。
例:It is true that many older people believe in traditional values that often seem incompatible with the needs of younger people. While I agree that some traditional ideas are outdated, I believe that others are still useful and should not be forgotten.

In my view,... My view is that... 表示「依我看,在我看来」,可以与in my opinion 完美替换。
例It might be poetic, philosophical, sensual, or mathematical but in any case it must, in my view, have something to do with the soul of the human being.

For too long, the disastrous consequences of violence against women have been downplayed, ignored or denied. It is time for counter-measures that match the scale of the problem. 
「网络暴力」online bullying

It seems to me that...
eg:In conclusion, I can understand why people might want to encourage competitiveness in children, but it seems to me that a co-operative attitude is much more desirable in adult life.

I would argue that ...
eg:While I accept that senior citizens can be a boon to society, I would argue that ageing populations can pose some daunting challenges.
顺便提一嘴:boon 是「益处,福音」的意思。be a boon for / to sb 表示「对某人来说是一个福音,对某人有利」。它还有一个好兄弟bane,表示「祸根,灾星」。
两个词连起来:sth is both a boon and a bane 常用来表达「某事有利有弊,某事物既是福,又是祸」。两个词还押了头韵,读起来很有韵律感。

I fully support the view that ...
In conclusion, I fully support the view that people who have turned their lives  around after serving a prison sentence could help to deter teenagers from  committing crimes.

I completely agree with the idea that...
Businesses have always sought to make a profit, but it is becoming increasingly common to hear people talk about the social obligations that companies have. I completely agree with the idea that businesses should do more for society than simply make money.

  I am sure that ...
After considering all the factors involved, I am sure that working in a large company would be a better choice for young adults than working in a small firm.

  I agree with those who believe that...
While economic progress is of course essential, I agree with those who believe that other measures of progress are just as important.
as / just as +形容词 / 副词 表示「同样...」。这里just as important 便指「同样重要」。
考研英语还考过否定形式:not as +形容词 指「没有那么...」。

These early red flags predict a partner’s likelihood to become abusive, study finds
Multiple early red flags can signal whether a new partner will become abusive, a new study has found.
red flags 红色旗子,喻指「预警,危险信号」。
likelihood [ˈlaɪklihʊd] 是likely的名词形式,指「可能性」。
abusive [əˈbjuːsɪv] 为形容词,指「虐待的」,来自于abuse。
multiple [ˈmʌltɪpl ̩]为形容词,指「多种多样的」。
signal 作名词,是「信号」的意思,signal 作动词,指「标志着,预示」。

# 01
In the early days of a relationship, being in the throes of passion can make someone chalk their new partner’s questionable behavior up to a bad day. And all too often, what a person dismisses as minor can snowball into abusive treatment that makes them feel desperate to leave the relationship — yet trapped because they’ve invested so much.

throes本来是「困境,痛苦」的意思,in the throes of sth是个词组,表示「正忙于…,处于…困境之中」,相当于in the middle of sth, be busy doing sth。
但与这些词不同的是,in the throes of sth后面多跟困难的事。
chalk sth up to sth 指「把某事归因于…」
dismiss...as... 指「把...斥为...,对...不屑一提」(to decide that sb / sth is not important and not worth thinking or talking about),用于表示否定,有点像我们常说的diss 某人。
as 后面既可以跟形容词,也可以跟名词。
minor 作形容词,是「小的,不重要的,不严重的」的意思。
snowball into sth便指「滚雪球一般发展成...」。
be desperate to do sth 指「急于做某事」。

# 02
This common scenario is why researchers from the University of Western Ontario in Canada aimed to find out whether there are indicators that reliably precede and predict intimate partner violence — physical, sexual or psychological violence enacted by people toward their romantic partners, according to a study published Monday in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science.

scenario [sɪˈnɑːriəʊ] 为名词,指「设想,可能发生的情况」。the common scenario便指「常见的情形」。
最常见的搭配是:the worst-case scenario 指「可能出现的最差的情况」。
indicator [ˈɪn.dɪkeɪtər] 为indicate的名词形式,指「指示,标记,信号」,和前面的 a red flag互为同义替换。
precede [prɪˈsiːd]为动词,指「先于…」发生或存在,相当于before sth。
enact [ɪˈnækt] 作动词,指「实施...,把...付诸实践」,相当于put sth into practice。

# 03
“By the time that violence is happening, people are often invested in their relationships,” Charlot added. “Leaving can be difficult. So, my idea with this study was that if people were able to see red flags, warning signs, in advance of becoming invested, of moving in, of whatever — that might let them kind of take a minute to reevaluate the relationship, to proceed more cautiously, before that violence occurs.”
proceed [prəʊ ˈsiːd]为动词,指「继续进行,继续做」。
reevaluate 为动词,由re+evaluate构成,指「重新考虑,再评估」

# 04
Early warning signs of domestic violence

If you’re experiencing any of the following behaviors the study identified, you may be at risk for being abused later — especially if any of them are done repeatedly, or if you’re often seeing more than a few at a time, Charlot said:
1. You and your partner have sex even though you’re not in the mood.
2. You feel like you can’t say no to your partner.
3. Your partner doesn’t admit when they’re wrong.
4. Your partner compares you to other people.
5. Your partner reacts negatively when you say no to something they want.
6. Your partner disregards your reasoning or logic when it doesn’t agree with theirs.
7. You find it hard to focus on work because thoughts of your partner consume your mind.
8. Your partner creates uncomfortable situations in public.
9. Your partner acts arrogant or entitled.
10. Your partner tries to change you.
11. Your partner is unsupportive of you.
12. Your partner criticizes you.
13. Your partner has unrealistic expectations for your relationship.
14. Your partner avoids you.
15. Your partner does something you asked them not to.
16. Your partner threatens to leave you.

in the mood (for sth) 指「有做某事的心情」
disregard 作动词,指「忽视,轻视,无视」
entitled 为形容词,指「有权做…的,为所欲为的,理所当然的」

# 05

“The warning signs you see in our lists were what were most important in each study, but that doesn’t mean that there are not other warning signs that are also important,” Charlot said.

Other common early red flags include a partner saying all their exes were crazy, being rude to waiters, harming animals or resisting getting to know your loved ones, Balan said. Coming from abusive households, discouraging hobbies that nurture you, being unable to soothe their own emotions or closely following what you’re doing online are other signs.
soothe 为动词,指「抚慰,安抚」。sooth one's emotions 指「安抚某人的情绪」。

# 06
But “with all of this being said, (no victim) is to blame for their abuse,” Charlot said. “These warning signs are very much meant to inform people and give them help, but it’s not meant to allocate blame. And nobody should be responsible for their abuse, even if they notice a warning sign and don’t do something.”
allocate [ˈæləkeɪt]  为动词,指「拨...,划分...,分配...」。allocate blame 指「划分责任」。

Seek out ways to appreciate the way people are, not the way you want them to be. It is not your job to judge who is deserving of your love and kindness. It is not your job to fix anybody. It is only your job to love them in whatever way is appropriate. You are not anybody else’s god.

Make time for the friends you have more than you seek out the ones you don’t. Stop counting how many people are in your life as though hitting a certain tally will make you feel loved. Start appreciating how rare and beautiful it is to even just have one close friend in life. Not everybody is so lucky.


# 01
Social media were inundated with photos and videos of people crammed into public transport and huge throngs of people at tourist hotspots. The hashtag “how everywhere is crowded” was a top trending topic on the Twitter-like Weibo platform on Tuesday morning. Crowd levels are “gradually becoming ridiculous,” wrote one user, while another in Guangdong province suggested touring a war cemetery instead to avoid the masses.

inundate 为动词,本来是「淹没」的意思,常用来喻指「使...应接不暇,使...不胜负荷」(to give or send sb so many things that they cannot deal with them all)。
近义词还有be overwhelmed with sth, be deluged with sth, be bombarded with sth, be swamped with sth 等等。
Social media are / is inundated with sth. 便表示「社交媒体上充斥着...」。这个句式大家直接背过。
注意social media 既可看作不可数名词,也可看作复数名词,因此后面的谓语动词用单数或复数均可。
Social media is / are flooded with sth.
Social media is / are awash with sth.
Social media is / are rife with sth.
有个小细节大家需要注意一下,rife 为形容词,本义是指坏事「盛行,普遍」,因此be rife with sth中的sth一般是坏事。
比如:Social media is rife with misinformation. 社交媒体上充斥着假消息。

cram sb into +地点 指「把...挤进...,把...塞进...」。
比如:He crammed three people into his car. 他往他的车里硬塞进八个人。
文中crammed into public transport 为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰people,我们可以将其改写为一个定语从句:
people who are crammed into public transport 指「被挤进公共交通的人」。
cram 还可表示在考试前把所有知识往脑子里塞,即「死记硬背,临时抱佛脚,填鸭式学习」,惯用搭配为cram for sth,比如:He's been cramming for his exams all week. 他整个星期都一直在拚命准备应考。
《经济学人》就曾把培训机构,称为cramming schools。

a throng of sb / throngs of sb 指「大批的,大量的」,相当于a large crowd of sb。
近义词还有 a flock of, a swarm of, a stream of 等等。
throng 也可作动词,throng+地点 表示「蜂拥,挤满,涌向」某地

tourist hotspots 指「热门旅游景点」。
给大家小节一下外刊里出现过的表示「旅游景点」的词:tourist attractions, tourist destinations, tourist/ tourism sites, tourist spots, tourist hotspots,在旅游相关话题里可进行同义替换。

The hashtag "..." was a top trending topic on the Twitter-like Weibo platform. 表示「...话题上了微博热搜」,这个句式几乎所有热搜话题都可以套用,大家直接背过。
trend 作动词,指「成为潮流,成为热门」。「上热搜」便可以说 sth is trending. 这里a top trending topic 便表示「热搜话题」。

the masses 指「民众」。


Pick up where you left off. Finish the half-read books on your shelf. Eat what’s in the cupboard. Wear what you own in ways you never thought of before. Apologize and mean it. Call old friends. Revisit old projects. Try other routes.

Goals To Set that are more About Enjoying what you have Than Chasing what you don’t

Milestones are markers that you’re evolving—they do not create emotional fulfillment in the way we think they will. This confusion is why with the dawn of each new year, our resolutions are to change our lives rather than to change ourselves. But what if we made goals that were more about loving what we have rather than chasing what we don’t? What if we realized that it’s what we were seeking in the first place? It’s something to consider—if not even try just a little. Here are a few ideas to get you started:


ramp 作名词,是「斜坡,坡道」的意思。这个路牌就是在提醒司机前方是坡道。

ramp 还可作动词, ramp up sth 便表示「增加,提高」,相当于increase。

比如最常见的「提高产量」,我们可以说ramp up production。

ramp up sth 在外刊里的出镜率都很高,我们来看一些例子:


Alibaba ramped up its efforts this year to offer incentives including preferential traffic and monetary subsidies to merchants who are able to offer the lowest prices.



Officials have also tried to alleviate the anxiety created by the education system—limiting the amount of homework and banning for-profit tutoring companies that tended to ramp up competition over grades.


小结:increase sth ≈ ramp up sth

像ramp这种由指代实物的名词引申而来的动词往往比raise / increase生动许多。


# 03

Blossoms Shanghai tells the story of A Bao, a Shanghainese man living large in the city. This is a stark departure from Wong’s previous works, where he hones in on the experiences of Shanghainese expats living in Hong Kong.

tell the story of sth 指「讲述了...故事」。这个短语经常用来引出电影、小说等等内容。
1️⃣ revolve around sth
revolve 的本义为「旋转」,revolve around 即「以...为主题, 围绕」。
2️⃣ follow sth
3️⃣  feature sth

live large 是一个美国俚语,指「生活奢侈,生活潇洒」的意思

stark [stɑːk] 为形容词,指「明显的,鲜明的」
stark differences 鲜明的区别

departure 本来是「离开,出发」的意思,比如我们在机场经常看到的出发就叫departure。动词形式为depart。
departure 还可比喻「背离,违反,逾越」(a way of doing something that is different from the usual, traditional, or expected way)。这个词多用于指对传统、对惯例、对人们期望的背离。
与...大不相同:be a stark departure from sth

hone in on sth 是个词组,指「全神贯注于...」
虽然hone in on sth这个词也广为使用,但有的人坚持它是home in on的错误写法,这一点大家注意一下。
I began to feel I was really homing in on the answer.
The investigation homed in on the town of Carlton.

expat 是expatriate的缩写,指「移居国外的人,侨民,背井离乡的人」。

对...的亲近:affinity with / for sb / sth

蓬勃发展的商业世界:the booming business world

经济改革:economic reform

Opinions on sth are deeply polarised.

# 02

The director made some bold choices with this work, too. He’s released Blossoms Shanghai in two versions: Mandarin and Shanghainese. The screenplay is an adaptation of the Chinese novelist Jin Yu-cheng’s Blossoms, which details power struggles in the booming business world amid economic reform in the country.

make some bold choices 指「做出一些大胆的选择」。

adaptation 是adapt的名词形式,指「改编版」。

detail 这里为动词,detail sth 指「详细说明」。 [熟词僻义]

power struggle 指「权力斗争」。

boom 作动词,是「繁荣,迅速发展」的意思。
这里booming 为现在分词形式,the booming business world 便指「繁荣发展的商业世界」。
类似的小词还有:thrive, flourish, prosper。

Wong’s affinity and fascination with old Shanghai continues in this series, though the timeline is pushed forward to 1992, unlike that of the 1960s in In The Mood of Love and Days of Being Wild.

affinity [əˈfɪnɪti] 是个单数名词,指「亲近,喜爱」
介词搭配为affinity with / for sb / sth。

unlike sth 是个介词短语,指「不像...,与...不同」。

# 01

The long-awaited series marks a full decade since the director released his last film, The Grandmaster.
And in typical Wong Kar-wai fashion, it’s garnering polarising opinions and reviews.

long-awaited 为形容词,指「期待已久的」。

await sb / sth 指「等待...」,相当于wait for sb / sth。long-awaited 被长时间等待的,也就是「期盼已久的」。

sth awaits sb 指「即将发生在某人身上,将降临到某人身上」。

mark sth 指「标志…」,后面一般跟重大变化或发展阶段。
mark sth 还可以某年、某月、某周作主语,指「标志…的发生」。

release sth 作动词,指「发布…」,后面一般跟电影、小说、产品等等。
如果我们想表达电影上映,可以说:sth is released / sth hits theaters / sth is screened.

in a… fashion 指「以…方式」,相当于in a… way, in a … manner。

garner [ˈɡɑːnər] 为动词,表示「得到,收集」

polarise 来自于名词pole,pole 是「地极」的意思,the North / South Pole 便指「北极」、「南极」。
polarise 便指「使...两极分化」。polarising 便指「两极分化的」
表达「有争议」这个意思:divisive, polarising, controversial,大家打包一起记忆。
Opinions on sth are deeply polarised. 人们对于...的观点两极分化。
Opinions on the effects of ChatGPT on education are deeply polarised. 关于ChatGPT对教育的影响,人们的意见两极分化。 [写作推荐]

While some worry that the cinematic drama he’s known for will get lost on the small screen, others wonder if the often glacial tempo of his works will translate well into a 30-episode show.

cinematic [sɪnəˈmætɪk]  是cinema的形容词形式,指「电影的,电影艺术的,荧幕的」。

glacial [ˈgleɪsiəl] 为形容词,来自于glacier(冰川),像冰川般运动的,比喻「极其缓慢的」。文中glacial tempo 便指「慢节奏」

tempo [ˈtempəʊ] 为可数名词,指「节奏,步调」

translate sth into sth 指「使...转变为...」。translate into sth 指「转变为...」。

The long-awaited series marks a full decade since the director released his last film, The Grandmaster. And in typical Wong Kar-wai fashion, it’s garnering polarising opinions and reviews. While some worry that the cinematic drama he’s known for will get lost on the small screen, others wonder if the often glacial tempo of his works will translate well into a 30-episode show.

The director made some bold choices with this work, too. He’s released Blossoms Shanghai in two versions: Mandarin and Shanghainese. The screenplay is an adaptation of the Chinese novelist Jin Yu-cheng’s Blossoms, which details power struggles in the booming business world amid economic reform in the country.

Wong’s affinity and fascination with old Shanghai continues in this series, though the timeline is pushed forward to 1992, unlike that of the 1960s in In The Mood of Love and Days of Being Wild.

Blossoms Shanghai tells the story of A Bao, a Shanghainese man living large in the city. This is a stark departure from Wong’s previous works, where he hones in on the experiences of Shanghainese expats living in Hong Kong.

Matthew Perry obituary: Friends brought fame but couldn't quell personal demons
obituary [əʊˈbɪtʃʊəri] 指「讣告」。这个词专指报纸上的讣告,《经济学人》有一个专门的专栏就叫Obituary。
rise to fame overnight 则表示「一夜成名」。
quell [kwel] 为动词,指「消除,缓解,减轻」
demon [ˈdiː.mən] 是「魔鬼,恶魔」的意思。作复数名词,专指「心魔,烦恼」

While on screen he was making millions laugh on TV's biggest show, Matthew Perry was locked in a painful cycle of addiction, and a battle with demons that stemmed from a damaged childhood.
a damaged childhood 指「破碎的童年,有创伤的童年」

In 1986, after moving to Los Angeles, Matthew Perry was convinced fame would wash all his problems away.
convince是个及物动词convince sb that…, convince sb of sth指「使…确信…,使…信服…」
wash away 本义是「冲走,冲掉」,喻指「消除」不愉快的情绪、想法、记忆等等,相当于get rid of sth。

"I yearned for it more than any other person on the face of the planet," he wrote in his candid memoir last year.       
"I needed it. It was the only thing that would fix me. I was certain of it."
yearn (for sb / sth) / yearn to do sth 为动词短语,表示「渴望...,渴求...」,相当于want sth very much。
近义词还有:long for sth / long to do sth, crave sth, hunger for sth, covet sth等等。[写作推荐]
yearning 为名词,表示「渴望,向往」,相当于a strong and emotional desire。介词搭配为:a yearning for sb / sth。
more than anything 指「比任何事物都更...」。
candid [ˈkændɪd]  为形容词,指「坦诚的,率直的,直言不讳的」,相当于frank。这个词可以形容物,也可以形容人。
memoir 指「回忆录」,与memory同根。

Perry would eventually get his wish, becoming one of the six central stars of the most beloved sitcom of the past 30 years.
Stardom as the sharp-witted Chandler Bing on Friends also brought fortune — in the form of $1.1m an episode — and a string of glamorous girlfriends.
get one’s wish 指「实现某人的愿望」。
beloved 为形容词,指「深受喜爱的」。既可以形容物,也可以形容人。
sitcom 指situation comedy,指「情景喜剧」。
string [strɪŋ] 作动词,本义是「细绳,线」,a string of sth引申为「一连串,一系列...」
stardom 指「明星」这一地位或者说身份。
shoot to / rise to stardom 便表示「走红」。
sharp-witted 形容思维或反应「敏捷的,机智的」

Yet behind the scenes, Perry's struggles to keep his personal life and health on the rails only seemed to grow.

In his autobiography, Perry traced his insecurities — as well as his comic talents — back to a childhood that was split between his divorced parents, but in which he felt a sense of abandonment from both.
autobiography 指「自传」。
split 作动词,指「撕裂」。注意其动词变形为split-split-split。be split 便指「被撕裂」。
split 也可作不及物动词,A and B split (up) 便指「A和B分手,A和B离婚」。

His mother was a Canadian beauty queen-turned-journalist who served as press secretary to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. His father was a US actor who starred in adverts for Old Spice aftershave.
佩里的母亲曾是选美冠军,后来成为了加拿大前总理皮埃尔·特鲁多的新闻秘书。父亲则是一名美国演员,曾出演Old Spice须后水广告。

Pierre Trudeau 是加拿大的前总理,是加拿大现任总理Justin Trudeau的父亲。正因为Matthew的母亲做过Pierre的新闻秘书,因此Matthew还认识Justin Trudeau。
在Jimmy Show里,Matthew还说自己揍过后来成为了总理的Justin。
而Matthew 回复说:算了算了,现在您有一支军队了。

serve as sth指「担任…」。
adverts 和 advertisements一样,指「广告」。
aftershave 刮胡子之后用的「润肤液,须后水」。
star 此处为动词,sth stars sb 指「...由...担任主演」
sb stars in sth 则表示「某人在...担任主演」。
cast 同样可以表示选角。我们常说某部电影「卡司强大」,这里的卡司就是cast 的音译,指一部电影的全体演员。
cast 作动词时,便表示「选角」,相当于choose the actors。

Most of Perry's upbringing was in Ottawa, Canada, but he said he was a "latchkey kid" because his mother's job "just meant I spent a great deal of time alone".
"Accordingly I learned to be funny — pratfalls, quick one liners, you know the drill — because I had to be," he said.
upbringing 为不可数名词,指「培育,教养」,来自于动词短语bring sb up。
Most of sb's upbringing was in ... 某人从小在...长大。
latchkey 是「钥匙」的意思,latchkey kid 挂钥匙的儿童,指父母都在上班、放学回家后不得不自行开门,然后独自待在家的孩子。
pratfall [ˈprætfɔːl] prat本来是「傻瓜」的意思,pratfall像傻瓜一样摔了个跤,表示「出丑,洋相」
one liner 指「俏皮话,风趣的话」(a short joke or funny remark)。
drill [drɪl]  作名词,指「惯常的步骤,常规,程序」
You know the drill 和I know the drill

Chinese Buzzword ‘Kong Yiji Mindset’ Sparks Debate Among College Grads

1️⃣ buzz [bʌz] 作名词,本来指蜜蜂「嗡嗡声」,现在常用来喻指网络上的「热议」。buzzword 指「流行语,网络热词」。近几年流行的躺平、内卷、凡尔赛文学等都属于buzzword。
2️⃣ spark [spɑːrk] 作名词,是「火花」的意思,作动词,喻指「激起,引发,触发」近义词还有prompt, trigger, provoke等等。spark (a) debate 便指「引发争议」。
3️⃣ college grads 是college graduates的简写,指「大学毕业生」。而new graduates 新毕业生,也就是我们常说「应届毕业生」,简称NG。

Chinese netizens are passionately discussing the ‘Kong Yiji mindset,’ a term inspired by an influential figure in modern Chinese literature and used to refer to college graduates who consider themselves above manual labor.
1️⃣ term 这里为名词,指「词汇,术语」。「内卷」、「躺平」这样的词,都叫作term。
2️⃣ mindset 为可数名词,指「思维方式,观念模式」(a person's way of thinking and their opinions)。
3️⃣ figure 为可数名词,这里是「人物」的意思。比如:public figures 公众人物。
文中an influential figure in modern Chinese literature 即「当代中国文学史上有影响力的人物」。
4️⃣ refer to sb / sth 指「提到,谈及」(to mention or speak about sb / sth),常译为「指...」。
5️⃣ manual 为形容词,表示「体力的」。manual labour / work 指「体力劳动」。反义词为mental labour / work 指「脑力劳动」。

In Lu Xun’s story, Kong Yiji is a self-important scholar who gets his legs broken after stealing books. Both ridiculous and tragic, Kong has a futile fixation on the past.
1️⃣ self-important 为形容词,字面义为「自以为重要的」,形容「妄自尊大的,自负的,高傲的」(behaving in a way that shows you think you are more important than other people),是个贬义词。
比如:He was self-important, vain and ignorant. 他傲慢自负,虚荣无知。
3️⃣ ridiculous [rɪˈdɪkjʊləs]  为形容词,表示「愚蠢的,荒唐的,可笑的」(very silly or unreasonable)。
3️⃣ tragic 为形容词,来自名词tragedy(悲剧),表示「悲剧的,悲惨的,不幸的」
4️⃣ futile [ˈfjuːtaɪl] 为形容词,表示「无用的,徒劳的」(actions that are futile are useless because they have no chance of being successful),相当于pointless, useless。
比如:My efforts to go back to sleep proved futile.我努力想再次入睡,但怎么也睡不着。
5️⃣ fixation [fɪkˈseɪʃən] 为可数名词,指「痴迷,依恋,执念」(a very strong interest in sb/sth, that is not normal or natural),相当于obsession。
have a fixation on / with sb / sth 表示「对…有执念」。文中have a fixation on the past 便指「对过去有执念」。
be fixated on sb / sth 为形容词短语,指「对...异常依恋,对...过分沉溺」(always thinking and talking about sb / sth in a way that is not normal)。
Why does everyone keep fixating on that ?

Set a few years after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the story starts with him being ridiculed by the working-class customers in the tavern he frequents for continuing to wear his long scholar’s gown, even though he never passed the imperial exam that could have landed him a decent job back in the feudal days.
1️⃣ be set ... 指「以...为背景」,常用于引出电影、故事的背景。
这里Set a few years after the fall of the Qing Dynasty是过去分词短语作句子的伴随状语,指「背景是清朝灭亡的几年后」,其逻辑主语与句子主保持一致,为the story,如果我们把这部分单独写成一个句子,那就是:
The story // is set // a few years after the fall of the Qing Dynasty.
2️⃣ ridicule [ˈrɪd.ə.kjuːl] 作动词,表示「嘲笑,奚落,戏弄」
ridicule 也可作不可数名词,指「嘲笑,奚落,讥笑」
3️⃣ tavern [ˈtævən] 为可数名词,指「酒馆,酒吧」
4️⃣ frequent 作动词,指「常去,常到」
比如:I hear he frequents Haidilao in that street. 我听说他经常去吃那条街上的海底捞。[熟词僻义]
5️⃣ gown 这里便指「长衫」。新娘的礼服,毕业典礼上穿的学士服,都可以叫作gown。
6️⃣ the imperial exam 这里指「科举考试」。imperial 为形容词,指「帝国的,皇帝的」。
7️⃣ land sth 表示「得到…」land a job 获奖:land a prize。
land sb sth 表示「给某人弄到…」。
9️⃣ feudal [ˈfjuːdl] 为形容词,指「封建制度的」(relating to feudalism)。

As The Paper, a Chinese media company based in Shanghai, writes, “[Kong Yiji] would rather steal than do what he considers a menial job just to make money… [This is relatable] in the eyes of some, [who think] their academic qualifications didn’t lead to the job they wanted or deserved.”
1️⃣ menial [ˈmiːniəl] 作形容词,指「枯燥的,无需技术的,不重要的」(menial work is boring, needs no skill, and is not important)。menial jobs 便指「琐碎的工作」。

2️⃣ relate 为动词,表示「认同,能够理解,有共鸣」
在外国论坛Reddit上看到这个词,当楼主讲述完自己的经历,很多网友都会跟帖说:I can relate. 我能理解。
relatable 为其形容词形式,表示「能引发共鸣的」。
除了relate to sb / sth ,我们还可以说:sympathize with, feel sympathy with, feel for, identify with。
shed / cast / throw light on sth 字面义是「把光照在…上」,喻指「让人们了解…,使…更容易理解」
我们在《狂飙》为什么爆火?| 外媒说里讲过这个词:
(A) Chinese TV Drama Sheds Light on Anti-Corruption 一部中国电视剧揭示反腐斗争
plight 为单数名词,指「困境」(a difficult and sad situation),比如:
经济困境:the economic plight
财政困境:the financial plight。
3️⃣ in the eyes of sb 指「在某人眼里,在某人看来」。
4️⃣ academic qualifications 表示「学历」。

The related term, ‘Kong Yiji mindset,’ refers to those who see Kong in themselves as they face the pressures of a job market that can’t keep up with the record-breaking number of college graduates.

Last year, less than half of college students set to graduate in 2022 had received job offers by mid-April; meanwhile, the unemployment rate for all youths aged 16-24 last summer was a staggering 19.9%.
1️⃣ be set to do sth 表示「很可能会...,准备好...」(likely to do sth; ready for sth or to do sth)。
文中set to graduate 是一个形容词短语作后置定语修饰college students,我们可以将其改写成一个定语从句:
college students set to graduate in 2022
= college student who were set to graduate in 2022
4️⃣ staggering [ˈstæɡərɪŋ] 为形容词,指「惊人的,令人震惊的」(very shocking and surprising)。
staggering 还常用于形容数字,a staggering + 数字表示「高达...」,说明数字高的惊人。
a+adj.+数字是英文里非常高频的表达,adj.用来形容数字的高低,用起来简洁又利落, 用在作文里很加分。
常⻅的有:a staggering +数字,a whopping +数字形容数字之大。
a mere +数字 形容数字之小

Across the country, young women are shaving their heads, forgoing make-up and wearing loose-fitting clothing in a rejection of what they call “beauty duty”, the strict cultural norms that dictate how women should look.


forgo / forego 为动词,指「放弃,摈弃」
make-up 为不可数名词,指「化妆品」,也可以写作makeup。wear makeup 便指「化妆」。
loose-fitting 形容衣服「宽松的」。loose-fitting clothing便指「宽松的衣服」。我们也可以说baggy clothing。
反义词为tight clothing。英文里还有一个很形象的表达:
body-hugging dresses 抱住身体的裙子,也就是「紧身裙」
dictator 是「独裁者」的意思,大家都很熟悉了。
dictate [dɪkˈteɪt] 作动词,指不由分说地、强硬地「决定,支配」的意思,是个带有贬义的表达。
norms 为复数名词,指「规范,准则」相当于standards。

The burgeoning movement is unfolding on local social-media platforms such as Xiaohongshu and Weibo, where young feminists share before and after photos of themselves—swapping their long hair, contact lenses and make-up for buzzcuts, glasses and nude faces—using the hashtag #BeautyDuty.


burgeon [ˈbɜː.dʒən] 为动词,指「迅速发展」,相当于grow quickly, develop quickly。burgeon 也可指数量上的「激增」。
unfold fold 是「折叠」的意思,unfold 便指「展开,呈现,展示」。
swap A for B ;swap指「交换」的意思,swap A for B 即「用A交换来B」。
contact lenses 指「隐形眼镜」
buzzcut 指「寸头」
nude faces 指「素颜」。nude本来是「裸体」的意思,也可以指「没有化妆的」。
hashtag n.电话(或键盘上的)#键,井号;(社交媒体)主题标签

Louise Edwards, professor of Chinese history at the University of NSW, says that while beauty standards in China carry echoes of those in the West, gendered expectations are more ingrained.


echo 作名词,本来是「回声」的意思,喻指「相似之处,再现」
carry echos of sth 便指「与...相似」。
echo 还可指态度、观点的「附和,重复,共鸣」
echo 作动词,指「发出回声」,引申为「附和,呼应」别人的观点
ingrained 为形容词,指「根深蒂固的,难以改变的」
The belief that ... is deeply ingrained in our society.
The belief that a degree is an entry ticket to a decent job is deeply ingrained in our society. [写作推荐]

Failing to adhere to beauty standards can hinder a woman’s career progression in a setting where it’s common for job advertisements to request photos.


adhere to sth指「遵守,遵循」(to continue to behave according to a particular rule, agreement, or belief)。
比如:adhere to the rules 遵守规则 adhere to a principle 坚持原则 adhere to a promise 信守诺言。
名词形式为adherence,短语adherence to sth指「对...的坚持,对...的遵守,对...遵循」。
conform to sth 也表示「顺从,服从,遵从」规则、法律等。
hinder [ˈhɪndər]  为动词,指「阻碍,妨碍」。近义词还有hamper。
作文里常写的「阻碍经济发展」:hinder / hamper economic growth。 [写作推荐]
progression [prəˈgreʃən] 为名词,指「变化,发展」。hinder one's career progression 便指「阻碍...的职业发展」。
setting 为可数名词,指「背景,环境」。

By rejecting beauty duty, women are pushing back against the amount of time they’re expected to devote to their appearance just to participate in society.


Women // are pushing back against // the amount of time.女性正在抵制时间。
pushback 为名词,指「反对,抵制」push back against sth 是一个动词短语,指「抵制,反对,驳斥」,相当于oppose sth, resist sth。
devote 本来是「奉献」的意思,devote sth to sth表示「把...奉献给...,把...投入于...,把...用于」,一般指把时间、精力用于某事。

“Women are seen as having to carry the burden of decorating people’s lives, offices and homes and there’s a lot of labour that goes into that,” says Edwards.


labour 指「劳动」。
labour  还可作动词,labour to do sth 指「努力做某事」
go into sth 指「用在,用于」

① ”In an increasingly globalised world, Chinese women are swayed by international feminist movements and crusades in countries such as Japan and Korea. ②Also, many young women were born under China’s one-child policy. ③ “Many singleton daughters have really supportive parents. They tell them, ‘Girls are equal, girls are good.’ They want them to succeed.”


sway 作动词,本义指「摇摆,摆动」
sway sb 引申为「影响...,改变...的看法」的意思,相当于influence sb
crusade [kruːˈseɪd] 本来是指「十字军东征」,后来泛指长期的坚定不移的「斗争,运动」,相当于campaign。
singleton [ˈsɪŋ.gl tən]  既可以指「单身人士」,也可以指「独生子女」。

铊中毒导致她瘫痪、几乎失明、严重脑损伤 ,需要父母 24 小时照顾。
孙女士曾在 1997 年接受警方调查,但因证据不足而被排除嫌疑。

